Notice how weird it got on TACS when Ant brought up Lady Di?

0  2016-10-21 by Dennyislife

Almost as if Sam, Jim and Travis know the same thing is going to happen to Anthony...or guilt...but i'm going with Anthony.


Lady Di is in the US Navy, Ant is in ISIS. There's bound to be a little tension between the two.

I think maybe they all feel like they milked that bit a tad much, right up until her getting institutionalized. Both Opie and Anthony's mothers are in managed care for dementia/Alzheimer's. and they're old guys now too, so it's kind of to be expected that they might regret certain bits.

Would explain why Opie can't keep his lies straight. He's going to the funny farm like his mother.

I just hope they have a slaughterhouse on that farm.

Opie says his mother is crazy, mentally ill. But opie churns out lies like he's running a mill.

But it was Opie who kept wanting her on the show when she was getting bad. And The Psycho doesn't feel any guilt.

Are there any clips from their TACS appearance online?

Guilt? Guilt over what? A street hustling, white trash drunk like Di? Fuck her and her sponge-like liver.

I like you and your take-no-prisoners method of telling it like it is.

I'm breakin' all the rules!

I like you and your take-no-prisoners method of telling it like it is.