Top search results for "Joseph Cumia"

51  2016-10-21 by crookedmile


Funny that Google suggests "Joe Cumia net worth" when I start to put in his name. It then references Anthony's estimated $10 mil net worth.

Nice work.

No one's coonier than Joseph Cumia

*daily reminder this sub has no influence.

Ugh...that BEANIE. Only folks under 25/30 belong wearing a fucking beanie you musky old chach.

I wonder if ANYONE outside this sub has ever googled his name. Aside from himself and probably CPS at some point.

It makes me really happy that it's a thread I made. But as pointed out below, who would bother googling that idiots name.

Having trouble believing this guy still finds gigs at Disney World.

Ugh, he calls himself a deplorable. A name given to him by a cunt who was talking about morons who are blindly following a con man.


When I search the name, it actually ranks above his personal website.

It makes me really happy that it's a thread I made. But as pointed out below, who would bother googling that idiots name.

What do you get when you cross white trash and spaghetti on the wall?

As soon as I see "deplorable" anywhere, I immediately delete and tune out. This is the exact same thing as "teffting". It was pretty funny for a day or two and is now embarrassing.
