I listened to most Opie and Jimmy Shows. In hindsight there was something funny that occurred subtly the last few months

21  2016-10-20 by Mr702law

I don't have time stamps for this but others who checked in may have heard this. A few times the topic of October came up and Opie would mutter things smugly like "oh yeah, there will be changes" and one time he did a radio voice thing and said "Norton and friends, starting in October".

These little comments always came from this pompous point of view where he felt he would be doing business as usual and old Jimmy would see where he lands.

Pretty funny considering how it all played out.


You don't think it was a good negotiating tactic to blow off the last scheduled show and then spend 3 weeks walking around on the beach in socks and taking pictures with fish while everyone else was working and figuring shit out?

What is even worse is if he really had an offer more than a year and he turned it down to take a one year deal. That would be his biggest blunder ever because when this contract is done I'd be surprised if he ever made another dime.

He refuses to give up his delusions of worth even when right on the edge of the fucking cliff.

In a way you have to admi- oh forget it

an insecure narcissistic with a inflated ego who's paranoid about others realizing how talent less and shitty he is but does everything to make it obvious while trying to cover it up.

All the errors in this sentence make me hate you, but I agree, retard.

The richest man in the world got rich by pulling A Jim Norton. Here's what happened:

Back in the 80s, IBM was looking for someone to supply an operating system for their new computer. The obvious candidate was CP/M. But no one could get the CEO on the phone; he was on vacation. Frustrated by this, IBM gave the contract to a little known company named Microsoft, and Bill Gates became the richest person in the world.

Seriously. He gave a "my mom's health" excuse - LOL! It's actually kind of hilarious.. but so fucking pathetic. Just dodge saying goodbye. This sub never ragged him for that enough.

I don't listen anymore, but I thought he hated his mother.

We heard more than once about own badass Opie showed up just to give her a mean look and leave.

I think that was his grandmother.


oh yeah i remember this that was when opie and jim still had a show together and he thought jimmy would be screwed or not even get a show........funny how it didnt end up working the way he thought and he was the one screwed.......haha

This is the type of shit when your ego gets bigger than your worth. Suddenly the people in charge realize Opie isn't as useful as they previously thought and Opie gets brought down a peg. Next peg, spinning them hits

Then spinning them tits. Work the pole, Opie.

Next peg, pegging those tits. He has enough saved to buy lynsi some nice strapon schlambos

I loved the awkward chip and uncle Paul clips that basically have opie either rolling through the impression or not talking at all

Do you think Jim and Sam are getting paid the same as or more than opie now?

That's a good Q. I bet him and Jimmy are likely close now. Sam might be a little behind. If I had to guess, 300k ish.

I'd be shocked if he's making half of that.

i would guess 60-80k. for now.

he was making 25k as a producer which shows he was willing to do a lot of work for not as much money as most people.

There is no way in hell Sam makes over $100k. He might still be below $60k.

Sirius offered the co-host of Wake Up with Taylor about $75 a show.

Sam is definitely making 6 figures now. He's a host on a daily morning show on one of their more popular channels for target demographics, not to mention 6 figures for Sam and high 6 (low 7) figures for Jim still adds up to a lot less than millions per host when O&A ran the channel.

That's all true, but Sirius had no reason to negotiate any of that. Large media companies negotiate with proven outside talent, not their employees. Sam doesn't seem to have an agent and didn't seem to be involved in any of the negotiations. He would have taken anything, so they probably offered him some large % raise on his old salary, which was still tied to his shitty starting number.

Source: Personally got shit on the same way while working my way up at a very large media company and ended up making a small fraction of my peers who came from outside the company. And, hosts of other morning shows on the platform also appear to make really shitty money because they are basically replaceable in an instant.

You are way out of touch.

300k seems high. I can see him making 6 figures though. It is NY after all.

Yeah I'd have to imagine just with a cost of living adjustment he's at six figures even thought he lives in Best Chester

how did he know jim would have his own show, i thought he was stabbed in the back?

He figured Jim would be fucked off somewhere.

Attention all Rubes.This is all a work. .Why else would carney RB be in on it....Gabronies from all over the O&A universe are coming. Old Gabronies never die,they just look like that...........What's next Fez and ?????show

Have you sobered up yet?

It's Jabroni you mongoloid.

This is a bad post and you should feel bad

Oh now be nice. I thought it was a good post, but hey aren't we all entitled to our own opinions? Just my $.02 lol good to hear from you apple ;)

You're a douche.