CNN mysteriously lose signal as guest starts talking about Clinton/WikiLeaks. Enjoy the fine acting.

55  2016-10-19 by panasonictooth



Thermite cable

Holy fuck was that phoney

Phoney baloney, etc.

CNN has gone full retard for the Hillary.

As a member of the godless media myself, I suggest you always follow the money. And the SPJ is broke as fuck these days.

Sarah Parker Jessica?

Yes. That horse is broke as fuck.

Looks like a queer flag melted the cable signal to me.

Queer flags, steel beams, etc.


Nimble Veritas

Wow those stats are so fucked. Do you really think it could have been a coincidence though? You can even hear someone breathing like "oh shit" as soon as it's mentioned.

No. The Clinton campaign is actively silencing anything to do with any of those hacks/videos. Its like everytime they bring up Wikileaks they dont deny stuff, just go straight to "Assange is a rapist" and thats that. They never adress shit.

This bitch said she wants a no fly zone over Syria which would probaby lead to WW3. Nobody is covering that shit. Or the fact she was dragged in some van passed out. But no. Trumps pusssy grabbing is way more important.

I was hoping to save this country from the false song of globalism, but trump said pussy 10 years ago.


Regardless deres no media bias! (There is.)

Please leave that annoying shit in the_Donald. Also stop relying on television news entertainment for your news.


I'm not talking about the stats (I am). I'm talking about the stupid parenthetical speak (I'm not). But don't worry, you're not a simp (you are).


24-hour television news is not the best place to go for actual news and insight, no. To say that the mainstream print news media is ignoring wikileaks is just dishonest.

And I was only referring to the parenthetical speak in my original comment. It's irritating.


I did click on it. Did you happen to see where that measure came from? The Media Research Center. Headed by Brent Bozell. The same Brent Bozell that O&A railed against in 2002-ish, when he was head of the Parent Television Council, trying to get them booted from NEW. Which is to say he and his organizations tend to lean a bit toward the conservative side. Unabashedly. So no, I'm not going to take the stat from a conservative content analysis firm broadcast on a conservative financial network as fact unopposed.


Your boy torpedoed all his chances last night. Go cry some more.


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Yes I'm crying about you being a whiny baby. That's what's happening right now. You should set other dates to write me loves letters in the future pussy I really appreciate the sentiment. Now go back to your fucking hugbox. Daddy is calling.


Does Daddy make you feel safe? Do you think of Daddy's Strong muscles holding you at night? Making America Great Again? Go give Daddy a kiss queer.


He's so mad he's talking like the faggot that he is lol.

Talk like the fucking white person you're claiming to be please. Daddy wants queers like yourself to make grammar great again I'm sure.


Butthurt? hahahahahah, yea 8th grade me is fuming right now retard. Why are you repeating my insults back to me telling me to cry more? Daddy think's you're low energy. Spell more words for us incorrectly you fucking 14 year old sack of dogshit. I'm sure Daddy will punish me it's ok.


Daddy doesn't like you talking to people like that. Use white man words.


You should downvote a few more of my comments, maybe throw another smiley in I think Daddy really appreciates details like that.


Do you pray to Daddy at night? Carry a little picture of him in your wallet?


"Please Daddy, punish all the mean cucks online who don't respect me! If you do I promise to be a whiny persecution ridden pussy forever and ever!" And then you picture Trump just railing you in the ass for an hour and a half. Did I get your bedtime routine down? I mean I'm just guessing.


He says it like the mafia thug he is. "Oh damn, too bad you fell down those there stairs. That sucks, I hope you are feeling better soon."

"That Sucks". What a hack.

Someone got up there and painted that satellite with SUPERthermite paint

This is becoming a meme now.

Nigger rigged. Barry comment?

It's the Russians!!!!


But we already heard this stuff at the debate, it's not a secret haha.



Why are you posting this here? This isn't your Facebook feed with all your dumb friends and family.

I don't use Facebook faggot.

Facebook Faggot? Is that a new utility app? I'll have to check that out!

It doesn't look good but it's probably a coincidence. They can't just have technical difficulties every single time someone brings up wiki leaks. And it would be pretty bad for CNN if it came out they purposefully cut that broadcast. What they can do is just try not to bring it up whenever possible.

Well Chris Cuomo did just get caught trying to pull one over the viewers about WikiLeaks in a pretty blatant way. I can't even believe that some people here would think it was probably a coincidence. Sure it was just a convenient coincidence from the one station trying hardest to keep the WikiLeaks shit on the downlow.

there's some shady shit happening, too bad this stuff would only work on dummies and the dummies have already chosen either Trump or Hillary already
