I am offering spiritual guidance sessions, mano-a-mano, over this subreddit, free of charge!

0  2016-10-19 by CelebPictureColector


My girlfriend had an 2 week affair with a South African gentleman while on vacation, and I didn't dump her.


Sounds like you have to get enlightened!


Sounds like I am trying to be enlightened and SEX POSITIVE, pal!!!

I'm fat and my pants are too tight.

well you don't need to decrease your waistline and increase your pant size, you need to decrease your problems and increase your spirituality!

try it!

Solid gold!

What are the benefits of meditation you've experienced or just read about that you aim for/find interesting, im really struggling with alot of doubt and resistance recently and would appreciate this, thanks.

well for one thing I find is it can really put the "can-do" in your can-do attitude!

Can do what are u drinkin a can of mountan dew or sumthin tsssss

The only can of mountain dew I'm drinking from is the spiritual mountain dew of the Bhagavad Gita and the can of the Bible,

try it sometime!

This bit stinks

The only thing that stinks is your karma buddy!

You better upify your qi levels

or else!