Where we at with the JoeySalads?

10  2016-10-19 by TangerineReam


Nowhere because who gives a shit about YouTube "stars"

Excluding Red letter media/half in the bag

They are not YouTube "stars", they are acting, filming, editing, directing... bona-fided movie makers they are.

and where did you first hear of them and where do you watch there videos?

Their videos only kinda recently came to youtube.

2010 isn't recent

you're making me feel old :(

Joey Salads deserves as much praise as Amy Schumer

DiPaolo spent a bit of time on his new show and brought up Joey Salads as an example of something like it was real and legitimate footage, old people on the internet always pays off especially when they have a radio show to talk about it

youtube drama is hilarious because it's so dumb and petty, even compared to the horseshit we talk about.

Fake and Gay

He gives racists like me a bad name

Greasy faggot from Long Island

Try-hard fake faggot.

The dude who made this video, his brother was actually caught on to catch a predator. No shit! He even told the cops if there was any child porn on his computer it belonged to his bro.

Now THAT is juicy. Has this gotten around?


This guy isn't funny. There's some sentiment among people who love MDE that this guy stole Sam Hyde's shtick, but I'm not seeing it. His stuff seems very bland.

I personally know him in real life and enjoy his company, but I cannot say I'm a fan of his work.

and where did you first hear of them and where do you watch there videos?