This evil streak of Sam's is why i enjoy the new show

34  2016-10-19 by Dennyislife


Jim felt bad about it, that's what made it funnier to me.

Oh, GOD! This is brutal!

Can you imagine how great this bit would've been if Ant had been with these two?

Why? So he could pivot it into a "And now they wanna take our guns!" Rant?

You could tell Jim felt bad about the whole thing. Probably because one of his best friends suffered and ultimately died of a stroke. I really don't think Sam put any of that together.

so happy tits is out so we can enjoy this

iiissss raaaaaainnng stufffff

As brutal as Jim is about basically everything he has no right to get sore about stroke jokes just b/c that's what killed Patrice. Actually, I think this video makes Jim happy that the stroke killed Patrice rather than him being left barely able to talk.

stroke jokes

Yeah, like fawkin strokin' big juicy tranny PECKAHS! Tssss.

Just stroke jokin' babe!! Ddouble gunns!!!!

Oh Chip, you do go on

You piece a G.




I didn't. There's something unsettling about Sam's unearned hubris. I mean he can't change inflections in his voice without it cracking yet he's on a national radio show. He's really just a fill-in. You could fill that role with anybody that doesn't step all over Jimmy.

Sammy Shortcut, amirite?