Anyone else hate Bill Hicks because of this bit about Leno?......MAAAAAAAAN

0  2016-10-19 by Lil_Teddy_Sheckler


You're not a man if you never went through a bill hicks phase

Bill Hicks is Alex Jones.

Schinkle 'bout it...

I still think he was a rarely talented comedian, he just got wrapped up in trying to change the world. His silly/dirty jokes are some of the best.

Once upon a time ,selling out was considered a bad thing.

Now it has become a goal.

Once you get over the whole "Counter-Culture" phase, Hicks just seems like a douche

I think Jay Leno is terrible, but the reason I hate Bill Hicks is that I've heard probably an hour of material and instead of jokes, it's nothing but rants. He sounds like my uncle at Thanksgiving, only talking about Rush Limbaugh and Waco instead of the blacks and the Jews.

Bill Hicks sucks MAAAAANNNN

Did not listen, he is a douche regardless.