Why won't XM give the Opester any guests?

1  2016-10-18 by NathanTruckMonth


Because he a fucking faggot.

Sometimes, the simplest answer is also the right one.

That is called the Occams Razor approach.

"A simple case of Occams Razor" as DeRosa once said, before he was lambasted for thinking hes smart

I actually know what it means.

Jody Rosa just heard it somewhere and guessed the context.

Put down those intellectual fists and kiss me.

OK, but I got rules.

No facial hair. you touch me but I will not make eye contact.

I can fuck you bloody, but no noise. Otherwise it gets bloodier and more cummy

Because Opie has the interviewing skills of a brick.

He doesn't need great guests to make great radio. He's been doing this for years. All he needs are his guys: Sherrod, Vic Henley, theo Von, Judy Gold, and Chris DeStefano and the sparks just naturally fly. It's such a barrel of fun that all of these people come in to spend three hours of their afternoon with Opie Hughes without receiving a nickel.

It's not that they won't give him any...its that he can't get any.

Radio in the morning, then day time tv , book signing/meet and greets in the early evening... this is the way it seems to be

Roland? Comment?

he has guests sherrod, vic, chris, theo, all big timers