Jim Norton & Sam Roberts is too long of a show name

0  2016-10-18 by sexylarrytate

What a long clumsy title. If they want name recognition, they need something catchier.


"Glow-worm and Half-breed" was another of Colin's suggestions.

Nobody has ever thought that. I suggest we come up with comedy names for the new show.

How about:

The Fag and the Hag.

The Queer and the Queef.

The Ladyboy and the Loser.

Scorch and Sibby.

The Jackal and Jim in the morning, if you want to get morning zooish.

It's now called... "The wingless moth and ugly Blake griffin show". Courtesy of CQ

How about Morning Jam!

Jim+Sam :)

It's cute

it really isn't though.

I dont see them naming a channel that.

well no, of course not. but you didn't say anything about the channel, just the show itself.

Oh. Thats right. It is the lamest name though. Jimmy should own it and call the show Norton.


Trannyfucker and Jewnigger Weekdays 8am on Sirius 206 XM 103

They should just call it Opie and Anthony.

Me - look, I built dis fawkin thing...period