Fuck Opie

132  2016-10-18 by fish_flower

in the last month he's alienated everybody

He took shots at Jimmy. Worst of all he took shots at loyal Sam, probably the only friend he had left in the world. He's called into Ant's show more than once when he needed it but never let Ant call him when Ant needed it. He sold out a guest and pissed off one of the most powerful families in NYC (that should go well for him). He stomped that cake.


When I get angry at opie, I like to remember that he spent years feeling insecure that he wasn't funny, necessary or liked. That this topic probably regularly got brought up in his therapy sessions, that the stress from his insecurity probably followed him home and ruined many a night with his family.

And then finally after all those years his fears were proven right.

Makes me feel all warm and tingly.

The thing is, the guy's retarded. And has tits. Why get upset at a retard with tits? Life's upset with him enough for all of us. Opie's never been so funny in all his life, and it's only going to get better; just sit back and enjoy the show.

That's the thing. He's just not very bright. And like him or not, it has to be said that his breasts truly are quite plump.

I'm upset at the decades of radio he's ruined. He's harmless now, but it still sucks to go back to the classic episodes and have him trample over everything.

The thing is, the guy's retarded. And has tits. Why get upset at a retard with tits?

Mah nigga.

Pleasingly, the hate is so much worse than he ever imagined, and Opie's lack of talent is so much deeper than he can possibly understand.

This is because, no matter how paranoid and insecure he may be, Opie is pretty much devoid of imagination and understanding.

As big as....your imagination!

Dont forget all the tall tales of growing up poor he has to answer for during holidays.

That and being a 60 year old skater dude with sweater puppies.

Somebody linked to E-Rock Jingle Day in another thread. The jingles are bad enough, but it's all in fun, just guys who are friends breaking each other's balls. But hearing Opie - after every jingle - just pick at E-Rock is fucked up. "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE THESE, E-ROCK?! What? You don't find these funny?!" That's just an insecure guy tearing down anybody he can. Fucking prick.

He's an insecure hypocrite who could not take a single, tame, joke.

Remember that time Ant was reading something like 'this guy is an inarticulate buffoon, can't do live reads...' and then he went 'OK, enough about Opie' and Jim and Ant laughed (albeit uncomfortably) for a bit and Opie, just snapped: 'Oh! You wanna go there?! You sure you wanna go there!?'

It's probably in one of those Greggshells clips.

ME: [like a teenaged girl] WHYYYYUH?


Sam drove his fucking luggage to him on holiday. Opie is an ungrateful, delusional, spoilt little bitch.

Really? What moron forgets their luggage?

A moron full of bosom and lacking of awareness.

All of Opie's bras were in there!

Sam kept those breasts plump for the later years with that one act of kindness.

He can't go a whole weekend without underwiring!!!!

"Loyal Sam" pssh what other choice did he have? He knows who keeps his spaghettio's bowl full.

But what are your thoughts on the opster??? That guys a real hoot, am I right ?

I heard once he'd been doing radio since he was 18. I might be wrong about that, he hardly ever brings it up.

Well, there was that period where he spent his days caddying and working for mobsters, but I'm not sure at what age that ended.


Listen. I've been doing this radio thing a long fuckin' time (sniff), and, somethin', uhhh, somethin' my mentor Brotha weaze used to tell me is . . .

"This radio thing" is possibly the worst one of his sayings for me

"This dumb radio thing"

Todd started when he was 12. True story. And Opie can never be as good as "Yeah, this is Scrotum McTasty jerky. Your Grimace statue called my son a gook at the McDonald's Playland and he ain't even Asian!"

I think you heard him say he's been doing radio and he's 80.

Only show i would like to see with O&A is a lie dector test with a fan submitted questions live on TACS. For fairness, let Kenny and Keith oversee the independant investigator conducting it. Wont happen cause Opie is a bitch.

Does Bam wear a condom in your wife or do they go raw like animals?

what family? i dont subscribe to funny mofos so im out of the loop.

which family?

The Trumps?

How could anyone be happy and say they are finally "free" by losing Jim to another show. How the fuck could losing Jim Norden be a good thing?!

More time with the attention solely on him, though he pursued that to stroke his ego, not remembering that he can't be in the studio alone for 2 minutes without turning into Garth and embarrassing himself way more than sharing a show with a guy who is much more entertaining. The guy does not think things through.

I feel like you missed a few things.

Him and Anthony are sucking each others cocks lately.

It unsettles me. How forced is it?

VERY forced.

Both of their careers are in the shitter, and they're using each other for marketing purposes.

Opie has alienated everybody, and by calling in to Ant's show, he's hoping any attention from these little O&A reunions will put some heat under his "brand".

Ant's participating cause it allows him to plug his shitty network on SiriusXM without having to fork over any advertising money. (I'd also say that Ant hopes these O&A booty calls will repair his reputation with the bigwigs at SXM...ultimately leading to a return to the company for that easy and big money.)

Yeah, I guessed that, they are both in the death throes of thier career, so an uneasy alliance may be in order.

Jim and Sam getting the mornings, Opie realized his standing, and decided that reconciliation might hype him up a bit. Ant is in worse shape than tits.

Depending on how long Sirius itself has left before collapsing, I don't think it's a stretch to say that Ant might have more of a future there than Opie.

Opie has already been put out to pasture. That's one step before the glue factory.

O&A can probably never do a show together again. I doubt they could fake it for more than a month or two.

Jim and Sam would never have Opie back (would they?).

Any sort of market research conducted by Sirius would tell them that a Jim, Sam and Ant show could pull a decent audience. Like when they eventually noticed that Jim was the only part of O&J that people liked.

The fake outrage at Ant's racist tirades (and even his DV charges) has a realtively short shelf-life.

I wonder how long before those satellites de orbit.

Nothing stays in Earths orbit without eventually being pulled into the atmosphere.

SXM is a ticking time bomb, who will watch thier business burn up over Russia or the south Pacific.

The satellites will still be orbiting long after the terrestrial part of Sirius has ceased to be profitable.

Read this in that Bobo thread-

Pat (Dixon)has a wrestling background up and Bobos doing a promo against Danny Ross "the Jew who looks like a goblin"

Yeah, that should really boost your chances of being rehired at ((Sirius)), Ant. And the back and forth phone calls on Opie's Afternoon Punishment were all desperation, Anthony spent as much time as possible on TACS the days before rightfully trashing the fuck out of Opie's beach/aquarium videos.

He's not a smart man. His sperm have little Pete Rose haircuts what do you expect from him?


Tried to suck Donald Jr.'s peckah.

Wait, I'm missing something: what family did he piss off in NYC?

What's going to happen Trump will tell him he'll never live in this city again?

You're so brave.

Why is Rich Vos doing Opie's show but not J&S since Jim mentioned that Ros was probably his closest friend? <insert backstabbing Jew joke here>


I haven't followed since the two new shows started up; did Opie ever settle on a co-host?

Lookin like its Kenny so far, he's been on every episode as the second mic though Opie complains contantly about not having a cohost. Opie must pay Kenny personally and has him till the end of the year I would assume.

Th' bawses don't like Kenny behind the mic. Fawkin bawses.

That's it fucker, I will fight you

He's really become the Daniel Plainview of radio.

Sam is a bastard from a basket.

Opie needs to be stopped for the good of America.

And this affects your life how?

At least post a picture of him with titties. This isn't your diary.

I strongly dislike the Opester as a radio personality. Pretty much agree with all the criticism he receives from the listeners.

But the Opie hate amongst listeners is so intense and so incessant that, in an unguarded moment, I can't help but feel sorry for the young fella. He brought it on himself yes, but being forced to read terrible things about yourself, things said by the people you meant to entertain - while simultaneously seeing the praise your former subordinates/colleagues get... all the while being the person who set the whole thing in motion.

That's gotta sting, no? Ope?

His level of loser gets me hard.


"...probably the only friend he had left in the world."

Ah, but you're forgetting about the Philly Crew.

Makes my skin crawl

Jeez, tell us how you REALLY feel!

Am I right boys?

Every day it's the same, if you hate opie stop talking about him and let him fade into obscurity like he should. But none of you will do that because you're all obsessed with him...if you really hate opie as much as you faggots like to stay stop posting the same faggot comments about him day after day

it's fun to publicly hate him. I don't want him to disappear. I want him to produce a terrible product and be ridiculed. so fuck you sir.

stop talking about him and let him fade into obscurity like he should

he seems to be doing that even with us talking about him

I don't know if you've noticed but we rather enjoy talking about things we dislike around here


What about him do you think is good on the radio and doesn't deserve to be ridiculed? If you don't think he stinks what do you like about him? You're a faggot on an unmeasurable level if you listen to him and think "don't make fun of this guy!!!!"

You were an O&A fan and don't get the appeal of ridiculing people that suck? Are you one of his twitter fans? I have such a hard time believing these faggots even exist.

I'm not a fan of opie nor have I listened to any shit involving him in the last year and a half, yet you obsessed faggots still "hate listen" only to post the same recycled unfunny shit about him every fucking day

What would you rather see here? You dont need to listen to hate him, and hating things that suck is way better than pretending to enjoy, you really want a forum full of "Good show today Opie, Vic was more tolerable than usual" type comments? you are an in-denial faggot

It's funny how the people who hate Opie happen to act just like him.

Before the Jim/Opie split, I could understand all the Opie hate as people had to listen to him to listen to Jimmy.

But now, I don't get it, if someone doesn't like him then don't listen.

I literally don't get why someone would expose themself to that kind of stress over and over again.

You are mistaken thinking that just because people hate Tits that they still listen to him. I haven't listened to that dumpster fire of a broadcaster for two years, but have enough hate for him left over from the old shows to keep shitposting him until three weeks after he is dead. Why? Because it is fun to do so.

But the people shit posting know what happened on the show, implying they were listening.

Yeah, I guessed that, they are both in the death throes of thier career, so an uneasy alliance may be in order.

Jim and Sam getting the mornings, Opie realized his standing, and decided that reconciliation might hype him up a bit. Ant is in worse shape than tits.

The thing is, the guy's retarded. And has tits. Why get upset at a retard with tits? Life's upset with him enough for all of us. Opie's never been so funny in all his life, and it's only going to get better; just sit back and enjoy the show.

Pleasingly, the hate is so much worse than he ever imagined, and Opie's lack of talent is so much deeper than he can possibly understand.

This is because, no matter how paranoid and insecure he may be, Opie is pretty much devoid of imagination and understanding.

Really? What moron forgets their luggage?

Dont forget all the tall tales of growing up poor he has to answer for during holidays.

That and being a 60 year old skater dude with sweater puppies.

More time with the attention solely on him, though he pursued that to stroke his ego, not remembering that he can't be in the studio alone for 2 minutes without turning into Garth and embarrassing himself way more than sharing a show with a guy who is much more entertaining. The guy does not think things through.

All of Opie's bras were in there!