Colin just came up with a new name for Jim and Sam show

132  2016-10-18 by nosoupforyou2116

Wingless moth and ugly Blake Griffin. I fucking love good ol' CQ.


This sub outdid him with Morning Bravado with the Worm and Mulatto

The man is a national treasure.


You shut the hell up right now

You're done in this town, faggot.

I can only downvote once, there has to be another way to show how much I think this comment is fucking garbage


Hit the road jack

You're not needed in this sub, pal.

If you comment again I can down vote 3 times, fagot.

That is uncalled for.

Morning zone with the Forehead and the Clone.

What about:

Worm & Perm in the Mornings

Also glowworm and half breed.

This made me burst out laughing waiting for the train

Hopefully by "waiting for the train" you mean laying on the tracks.

Smooch a choochoo.

Early Man & the Water Moccasin

Early as like underdeveloped.

The Lollipop and the Dirty Mop.

This opens the door for Ant to come back and still fit the rhyme scheme.


Worm and Weasel works better.

Nice wacky names. Just two guys riffing, no hold ons or let's go to a caller halfway through a punchline.

One wormed his way into a job, the other weaseled his way there. Parasite and Guttersnipe is a good backup


Guttersnipe, that's fucking great! Perfectly describes the Lil' scamp

Anything can happen!

Dunno why you're being downvoted when that's literally what Jimmy said today. Bless you child.

It's all the Harry the Haters.

Morning Musings w/ Jim&Sam

The Morning Shit with Swallow and Spit?

Glowworm & Halfbreed

Classic Colin.

Mornings with Twink and The Scallop

Not sure what an old twink is, but he is that now.


Sarcasm and Shit Chest in the Morning

Your Morning Vitamin with Sam and Sinnamin

That's stupid. Blake griffin is ugly Blake griffin already.

Morning tunes with Worm and Quadroon?

Half a Spade and Full-blown AIDS in the Morning

Morningz with Mutants

Absolutely hilarious episode.

This quote alone makes me want to try out the show

Dis & Dat

Cocks and Roberts

"One's a Benjamin Buttoning lesbian. The other's a halfbreed twerp with mild autism. And when they get together, HOLD ON TO YOUR SIDES!"

I'm too young to understand his archaic references.

Colin Quinn is literally the poster child of a failed actor.

This place huffs on his nut sack and I just don't get it.

He's a mumbling stuttering prick.


Shut the FUCK UP!!

No one likes you. You're not fun at parties.

Smooch a choochoo.