Condensed 11 minute Opie Show today. It's all you need to keep up the hate. Added some slight commentary.

52  2016-10-18 by Mr702law


You're fucking awesome. I'm gonna be pretty sad when you pull the trigger

But if he gets someone to put the clip in at the end of a video it would be pretty sweet.

You're getting better at these. Nice commentary, as well.

Haha holy shit if you're on the fence just listen to the first bit and you'll see how fucking bad Opie is floundering. It's a shame it will perpetually get low visibility because opie is audio aids.

Made it to 3:14. Fuuuuuuh-huh-huhhhhhhhhkkk that.

Shine on, you autistic diamond

"It was one of those houses where there's like 5 or 6 apartments. You don't even know where everyone's apartment is, it gets so confusing after a while."

Tits' brain is a horrible 80s sit-com recorded on a VHS tape, left out in the sun.

I love how Tits couldn't break down the Big Amy brouhaha (Sherrod ambushed him with a trick question: "what happened?"), and had to ask that dolt Kenny of all people, who actually didn't make a complete hash out of it. Kenny displayed more verbal dexterity at the mic than Tits has in years.

He didn't even ask Kenny, but hostilely demanded that Kenny break it down for him, as if to say "you know I'm an idiot! What the fuck?!?"

I also love that Tits had to call Kenny in "from the bullpen", because Sherrod was (((stuck in traffic))).

Wait a minute: I didn't love that at all!

I thought I was a half-hour in; it's 4:52. Tits-time is slower than Matrix bullet-time. It's idiocy in molasses.

How the fuck do you wonder if Don Julio is "like a Heineken"? How the fuck do you make that leap? Maybe a Corona or Dos Equis because of the ethnic similarities, but "like a Heineken"?

The man is a certified imbecile.

It's the shamelessness of his mongoloid-stupidity that's so enraging. That and the impatient hostility he uses to try to cover it up.

That and the impatient hostility he uses to try to cover it up.

In his mind he's like a typical confrontational New Yorker. East Coast, breakin' balls, guys hanging out and giving each other shit. He uses that delusion to avoid the reality of being an utter half-wit.

Shot the bed, what else can i say.

I wish it would've shot his head

Please use my new baldopie for your next video, the hatred that this one aroused within me inspired it's creation

Holy shit. Its like he got bit by a walker.

He look too retarded

That's the bit you dirty doper

Great job.. I lasted 7 minutes

This like audible shit concentrate.

I am truly in the company of heroes. Thank you for your servish.

God Amy schumer is terrible. She really needs to go away. She is so fake it's sickening.

Ol Big Knockers is audible cancer.

He thinks anyone wants to see his drivel on instagram. He is a delusional moron.

Amazing job, i really love you did this. Even still, i couldn't make it 2 minutes.🔫💵💴💳⛓🚬🔮⚗️🚬

Got through 15 seconds.

Sherrod's voice when they brought up the giant tounged baby. He definitely thought it was going to be a joke on him.

Wasn't sure if I wanted to listen to this, but I read the first commentary frame and laughed my ass off.

Keep doing these with commentary.

Like you say the Trump thing can't really be considered funny, it was just an observation. "He is orange" is approaching some kind of humour but it needs a little more to be funny. If Trump wasn't a 30 years running punchline that can't stop making a fool of himself, or if he was Democrat, she might be considered brave for siding against her Hollywood buddies or taking shots at a beloved clean-cut niceguy.

Yeah it was a mild joke and then went downhill from there. She was really just trying to berate the guy on stage. I wish he had slapped her


I started one of his shows yesterday and you could tell by the first words he has no confidence and is in trouble. When he enthusiastically announced Sherrod it was all I could take. I just couldn't listen. Which takes no effort, btw, but my stomach said no.

He was in trouble within the first minute seconds of his first show. I've never seen or heard anything debut as stillborn as his afternoon show.

Except maybe the XFL, ironically.

But at least that had some hype. All Tits had was a deliberately confusing lie of a tweet (the "@ArtieLange" thing).

One thing is for sure after listening to just a little bit, and this is just my opinion, he should have signed whatever deal they offered. Signing for one year was pretty stupid because if they listen at all to that show of his he won't get another offer.

deliberately confusing lie of a tweet (the "@ArtieLange" thing).

You know his plan was for at least a few media sites to pick it up. Google News for "Artie Lange" and there isn't a single mention of opie in the results. That makes me happier than it should. Just a thoroughly irrelevant dud.

- I like to keep it Don Julio.

- What do you mean, like a Heineken?

Opie is a retard.

wow, is he terrible! Its amazing he still pulls in any kind of paycheck for this shit

Fucking dreck.

Legitimate rage at how hard opie laughs at Sherrod's "[open and honest] works everywhere except romantic relationships". What hilarious word choice. Besso doesn't have the tiniest clue how to be funny.

Also Gregg's amyshell walking is downright infuriating. "Don't say fat! Don't say big! She'll be mad at me if a caller says that!" What a pathetic fucking vagina.


God, that caller was the worst. Fucking old fat redneck with a horrible accent that likes fat chicks.

"If they hate him, why do they listen?"

Well done. Great work.

Love these.

How come opie got kenny? Is kenny no longer jim's manservant/bodyguard/lover anymore?

I was wondering that. I assume since Howard has a bodyguard, Opie thinks he needs one as well because he's a big radio star too. Whatever Jim was paying, Opie surely offered to pay more.

"Hashtag Opie Radio!"

That pic in the video stares right through me... it's creeping me out...

I guess norse FlNorida defunnutlee

Since most comics tour the country, wouldn't they also generally know where certain cities are?

"Orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting mmmonster" is not funny, no matter how many fake laughs you throw in. It sounds like a fourth grade playground diss, before you learn how to string together luxurious sounding epithets.

Jesus that farm story was fucking terrible.

Any chance you can do the same with Jim and Sam's show? I can't tolerate more than 30 minutes of it.. Albeit today's show with CQ was the bees knees (yuck)

I am currently employed, so no. Plus I don't mind those guys.. They may not be your cup of tea but they come across as competent at what they're doing. Whereas Opie is just a mess.


Haha holy shit if you're on the fence just listen to the first bit and you'll see how fucking bad Opie is floundering. It's a shame it will perpetually get low visibility because opie is audio aids.

That's the bit you dirty doper