Have any of you met/taken a picture with Bobo from the Anthony Cumia Show

2  2016-10-17 by goldstandard32


I actually met him 2 years ago before the patrice benefit. He met some guys i knew coming in from jersey and we ate and drank at a restaurant near city center. His attitude was such that he shouldnt have to pay. He gave me an anthony cumia show sticker. He was a douche.

In his defense he does have autism and his only source of income is by collecting government disability

Nah, I have to be careful where I spend my last 5 bucks

Who the fuck would want to do that?

he used to be co-host of the David and Bobo Show too.

I laughed too hard at that.

I got one with him.

When I met him I was starstruck because I was such a fan for so long, and living on the west coast never thought I'd get to meet him. Within 5 minutes of talking to him, I wanted to give him the Kiefer Sutherland treatment in The Vanishing. He never stops talking. About. The Mets. Ever.


Yuge star Bobo? No I would be so lucky

Only way i want pic with bobo is after he gets run over by loaded cement truck

Yes. He charged me $18.

He charged me $20 and was a real diva about it.

Yeah I couldn't believe it when I saw him! He is a super down to earth guy and doesn't even act like a celebrity (in a good way) I made a $5 donation as a thank you for his time.

I have not. If I did. I would take him for a beer and a burger at Donovan's, give him an iPad. And pay for his Sirius XM and compound media subscriptions. I'd become his best friend then I'd rape his sister tss

I met him at the Thanksgiving live show when he was dressed as the nearly naked Indian. There was no way to communicate with him because he was rambling and completely in his own world.