Opie & Dassabesso in the Afternoon (10/17/2016)

3  2016-10-17 by Wolosocu

Get ready to jussachillin fawlkin...


I tried and lasted 45 minutes. I can't believe I went that long.

Opie IMMEDIATELY starts complaining that his headphones don't work and that Sherrod is stuck in traffic. He then says, "Kenny, I'm gonna have to call you in from the bullpen."

Mr. "Doin' it since I was 18" literally couldn't last two minutes by himself.

The affected voice and screaming at everything is just terrible.

Opie tried to get Mark Goodman, the 80's Mtv VJ in studio, but he declined to come in. Then he asked Kenny if they could talk to Amy today, since she's in the news again, but Kenny audibly scoffed at him and said "No."

Opie's wacky world of hijinks yesterday included his family going pumpkin picking and going on a hayride, but the tractor driver suddenly stopped and parked the tractor in the barn and closed up for the night, leaving them confused and stranded.

I'm 100% sure this happened.

It's startling that he can't spend more than 30 seconds talking alone on the radio. Like holy shit, he can't pick a few news stories and trudge through them, trying to find something funny to pull out? I don't know when I realized Opie was truly valueless from an entertainment standpoint(probably as a human overall too), but I find it hard to believe I ever felt differently.

Dasabesso showed up late? Not to feed the stereotype or anything.

"CPT" is something made up and fabricated by China.

Opie's wacky world of hijinks yesterday included his family going pumpkin picking and going on a hayride, but the tractor driver suddenly stopped and parked the tractor in the barn and closed up for the night, leaving them confused and stranded.

I hope Vos calls in and reminds Gregg he was at his house yesterday, not a pumpkin patch.

ME: Thanks Rich, I was fawkin pumpin it up a lil bit with a great fawkin story and you just ruined it!

Ill be condensing the show again this evening..

You're a good boy.

I love your autistic asshole. Your posts are my favorite to read.

Thank you, fella. Always happy to meet a fan

Good egg

Volunteering for torture.

Please add the rat documentary bit where sherrod made black people noises and Opie chuckled for 5 minutes

Im a little behind on demand.. Im at this part now

WAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! I can't get any guests! My headphones sound different so I can't do raqio!!!! WAAAHHHH!!!! Even a faggoty, washed up ex-MTV VJ won't do my shit show!

Fucking talentless niggercunt.

Dis isn't da besso.

Quick Check in-- Opie understands deep down this is not working. Literally every show now he alludes to the fact that he is going to get fired.

I tried for like five minutes before I tapped out, I don't understand how this guy has fanboys. Without Jim and Ant, he does TERRIBLY boring radio


Same here. It's so bad I can't stop listening. You guys aren't bullshitting with the FAWWWWKIN' thing. It annoys me each time I hear it now.

Will he talk about Reddit & 4chan posting his phone number on Friday?


He also thinks that its perfectly normal for Schooms to go on an unfunny 15-minute valley girl political rant in the middle of her comedy show, and if you didn't enjoy that "Then what were you even doing at an amy schumer show?!!"



I got in my car after work and my XM was already on channel 103 because I was listening to a good radio show this morning, and heard a familiar "AAAAHA HA HA HA HA HA HA" phoner.

Looks like Ant called in, or Opie called Ant. They talked about XM making Opie sit in the lobby by the elevators until Howard walked by --

Let's pause for a moment to realize how funny that is. Opie's bosses make him sit by an elevator until Howard Stern finished using the shared hallway.

Anthony also made fun of Opie now having to work Fridays.

After Ant's call, Sherrod said he wanted to get O&A on Race Wars, and Opie said he needed to do Ant's UHF show first.

They were signing off for the day when (and this is the important part...) Opie said, "Sherrod claimed Mondays!!" and Sherrod said "Blub blub blub DASRIGHT!!!!!!!!!! MONDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So it seems that Opie has offered confirmed days for "his guys". I do see it differently than "Vic Henley is sitting in with us today" and that he now has a schedule where a G-list comic will be his co-host. And I assume that if Sherrod, Chris "My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad" DiStefano, Vic, or Theo Vonn can't make it, he'll bring in that Play-doh Fun Factory of Comedy, Club Soda Kenny.

tl;dr: Every Monday is a guaranteed Sherrod show.

Sherrod show, synonymous with "shit show"

Shitskin and funbags nooner!

Would you believe that the show is unlistenable shit?



Sharrod called minecraft "minecraf" and opie said that it was graphic


Chuck and Sherrod would like to do the Schooms. I would too.

Is it really Sherrod? Would explain why hes not tweeted that out. The negative replies really do get his fans biting

My condensed might be 3 mins today.. for fuck sake

Dude, Opies fake rat story he just bumbled and stumbled his way through ... gold

Sherrod is Opie's slave! A black man who works for free and without reward!

Lol ant wont pick up the phone

Radio gold