Wow. So Brave!!

0  2016-10-17 by unclepaul84


Liberal comedy shouldn't piss people off. Not telling jokes or telling poorly written political jokes and acting like it's a campaign rally rather than a comedy show is what should piss people off. Listening to Patton mocking Trump or Dipaolo mocking Hillary or Burr mocking both wouldn't piss me off at all so long as they were funny as hell joking about it on stage. But the minute you feel like you're being preached to or condescended in Schumer's ignorant, humorless, poorly thought out ways, you're just like fuck off cunt. She just talks in memespeak. Never deeper

Dipaolo mocking Hillary isn't even that bad cause there's like 2 people in entertainment (NOT infowars or TACS) that actually do that.

I wanted to do some research on Trump. When I searched his name Google said "did you mean Hitler?" She has 3 jokes that are structured in that exact way so I keep waiting for that one.

That's as clever as "I looked up the definition of an idiot in the dictionary and saw your face"

I took my sister to oddball fest 2 years ago. She's into comedy I turn my nose up at like Dane Cook and Chris D'Elia and even she got up and went for a beer during Amy's set. Her comedy is for the dumbest of the dumb

DiPaolo should take the same advice Amy's getting. Stop fucking ranting and raving over politics... It splits the audience and half's potential profits.

When Actors/Actresses do it, its annoying, but ultimately i know it wont reflect the movies that they do. Sean Penn might be the most retarded liberal there is, but he'll do movies shooting people with guns etc.. So all they're doing is confirming that actors are really retarded. Now, if actors only did roles that confirmed to their retarded political stances, they'd be finished.

So why cant Stand-ups? Just tell jokes and vote what you feel like.. Alot more of them would vote as millionares if they didnt alienate half the potential audience.. Amy Probably makes enough to dont give a shit, but Nick doesnt. He should reign his shit in. He's one of he quickest, funnies comedians out there, like Ant, just stop ranting and raving. Shout at the TV, dont take it public.. It never helps.

She probably planted 200 people and paid them to walk out so she could get some headlines. People are fed up with her vagina humor and joke stealing and aren't giving her attention anymore.

This is what fat / ugly / uninteresting women do. They pick an issue and try to define their identity based on said issue. I live near the headquarters of PETA and have met some of their staff. They are usually in their mid twenties, flat chested and ugly as sin. They view themselves as worthless based on their appearance, so they try to add worth to their lives by taking up a cause and changing their lifestyle to adapt to that cause, and ultimately be defined by it.

In Amy's case, she's fat, ugly and not funny, so she's attaching herself to Hillary Clinton and most popular news event (the election) this century.

Amy Schumer’s liberal comedy shouldn’t exactly come as an “October surprise”


Fawkin' home run..!

I really wish this was post-election. I can only imagine the heavenly fat jokes Trump would throw her way if he wasn't currently trying to appease women.

She draws 10'000 people?!

Also, Trump is a fucking clown, his supporters need to relax and see how absurd he really is. The only reason he wasnt dead at arrival is that he's running against a person with more alleged crimes than Al Capone.

She only filled half of the venue.She's going down to China town. ...