But where? Perhaps Compound Media...

2  2016-10-17 by kevin121312


Where I find fault in this logic is, Hillary is beating Trump in 99% of the polls, in some cases by large margins and has made once red states now on the brink of turning blue. All evidence, at this point, suggests she is going to win. Why, when she does win, will the election be rigged? What am I missing?

Ant and his buddies will tell you that she is NOT winning in the polls and that the media is lying to you.

Yes.. This is the excuse they have all agreed upon

Just reviewed the polls over the weekend, and the FOX poll, which in undeniably a right wing network, has Clinton up by 8 points. Is Fox lying to it's audience, which is largely right leaning?

Anyway, I think, just like most analysts, by saying it was rigged a month ago when Trump started nose diving in the polls, it's an alibi for as to why he will face a certain loss.

Disclaimer, I'm not voting in this election as I don't like either candidate is fit to be President.

you're right. Trump's goal was never to win, but gain popularity amongst uneducated people so he has a fan base that will support him in his next endeavor.

I'm not sure about that, although It's certainly plausible. He dominated the primaries by appealing to the extreme far right and those disenfranchised by the establishment, but never made the extremely crucial pivot in the general election campaign where he needed to make himself appealing to Independents and the impressionable Democrats. THIS is why I think it's plausible, because it's impossible to win an election without a viable 3rd party candidate with only 38% of the vote. It's certainly entertaining to watch, though.

As for his next venture, I read an article this morning where his son-in-law in now in talks to start Trump TV. So, you may be right. http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/17/media/trump-tv-donald-trump-tv-network-speculation/

I kind of feel bad for his supporters because they've been duped. Trump did nothing beyond the primaries to actually win this election. It's almost as if he is purposely trying to lose. And as I write this, I just realized Trump is really a dumb fucking cunt, or you are most likely 100% right. Nothing makes sense about his general election campaign.

I saw the same article and it's what people have been saying for months. Trump never intended to win. His followers are dopes. Hillary is a piece of garbage and I can understand you voting for Trump because she's the alternative, but to support Trump because you believe in what he says??? He's a shyster who gained a lot of yokels by traveling around the country on the dime of his donators.

I can't understand voting for the alternative just because they are the alternative. I can't vote for Clinton because I was vehemently against the invasion of Iraq, and she voted for it. A person who has never served in the military and votes to send our troops off to a foreign land with no strategy, or no solid justifiable reason, to be possibly killed or maimed, will never get my vote. 13 years later and nearly 2 trillion spent, 4,500 dead and 33,000 wounded US soldiers, all for what? Those politicians who voted for that war can go fuck themselves.

I'm just saying that I understand someone voting for the alternative because they hate the other guy. I can't understand anyone, in this election especially, who loves either candidate.

Oh, I know. I was just saying I couldn't do that. I've got convictions, and I do think a lot of people are voting for Trump because of their visceral hatred for Clinton while completely ignoring the idiocy that comes out of Donald's mouth.

I caught some of the news this weekend, and apparently Donald is now accusing Hillary of being on drugs based on an infowars article he read, and now wants both candidates to get drug tested before this Wednesday's debate? What the fuck is this guy talking about?

lol, he's a complete shithead and I'm angry that he's the alternative to the most corrupt candidate ever.

I kind of feel bad for his supporters because they've been duped.

I think its pretty god damn hilarious. White Obama worked all the stupid white trash and now Brother Joe won't get his Trump phone.

Because faggot right-wingers won't acknowledge facts.


I like both.

This is 2012 all over again with the "polls are lying!!!" horse shit. Fuckin Karl Rove and Dick Morris were running around in the month leading up to the election saying "You wait and see! These polls are wrong! Conservative voters were under-represented and Romney is actually WAAAAAAY ahead... I predict a Romney landslide!" Then election night comes around and every single state that Obama was projected to win by the polls he won and it was almost exactly to the number what he won each state by. Apparently nobody learned anything from that. You have a guy who needs to win over women voters to even stand a chance and he's attacking women instead of pivoting and he's going to lose in a landslide and his supporters won't believe it. It's dumbfounding.

But the reason people will give you is that "the media was rigged against Trump so he is down in the polls because the media lies about him and gives him terrible coverage but they cover up all of Clinton's evildoings!!!" In reality a lot of people jumped aboard the Trump Train without realizing that Trump doesn't even give a shit about winning the election and almost certainly doesn't want to win. He's just trying to make as much noise as possible and then he'll fire up TrumpTV and his supporters will start tuning in to see what's really going on in America.

Only cucks believe the LAME-stream media. /s

Being wrong or incorrect is 100% against brand for trump. So every time you can quantify them being wrong or in the minority opinion it has to be justified with conspiracy. The hilarious thing is these people will whine about entitlement but they've been couching their upcoming loss since January with this 'election is rigged' stuff.

Bias media is also getting tossed around as 'rigged.' Trump has Breitbart and Roger Ailes up his ass, russia hacking the DNC to help him, Julian Assange lying his ass off and his supporters still want to act like those access hollywood tapes are unfair reporting.

Ant cant even keep track of his own guns...how can he be trusted with the news?

I miss the old, somewhat more rational and less delusional Anthony. This is like seeing a friend waste away to mental illness or AIDS.

or alcoholism

at least alcoholics can be funny.

Especially when they're rolling down a stairs.

Or protecting our country aboard a naval vessel.

I felt like my brain was more brainwashed by biased out dated information than ever before the one year I subscribed to TACS. My black friends couldn't understand what had convoluted my way of thinking.

Ant has turned into a full-fledged Alex Jones correspondent.

At least it's a real job

He's admitting that Hilary has this election won.. or rigged.. must be hurting him, but what about brother Joe? His life depends on this election.. we should be very sensitive to brother burden when trump loses

Oh look it's Alex Joseph Cumia...what a buffoon

I'm not sure about that, although It's certainly plausible. He dominated the primaries by appealing to the extreme far right and those disenfranchised by the establishment, but never made the extremely crucial pivot in the general election campaign where he needed to make himself appealing to Independents and the impressionable Democrats. THIS is why I think it's plausible, because it's impossible to win an election without a viable 3rd party candidate with only 38% of the vote. It's certainly entertaining to watch, though.

As for his next venture, I read an article this morning where his son-in-law in now in talks to start Trump TV. So, you may be right. http://money.cnn.com/2016/10/17/media/trump-tv-donald-trump-tv-network-speculation/

I kind of feel bad for his supporters because they've been duped. Trump did nothing beyond the primaries to actually win this election. It's almost as if he is purposely trying to lose. And as I write this, I just realized Trump is really a dumb fucking cunt, or you are most likely 100% right. Nothing makes sense about his general election campaign.