Second City being financially downsized causing layoffs but the performers pretend they're quitting as a protest against Trump supporters

10  2016-10-17 by 23cigs


I'm not a Trump fan, but why use your own dwindling theatre as an excuse to hate Trump? Thats just faggy.

For publicity while your business is failing

why would you abandon your job to oppose Trump anyway?

You wouldn't. No one would.

well plenty of people are pretending they'll up and move to Canada if he gets elected...they don't mention whether or not they already have job offers up there

And exactly ZERO of these hypocritical pussies have threatened to move to Mexico.



These guys fucking stink. A friend and I went to see them once and left after 15 minutes

I saw second city on a cruise a few years ago. 10 minutes in me and a friend bailed and drank the vodka we smuggled on in a Listerine bottle

I went to see my buddy do improv at UCB on Sunset a few weeks ago. Improv comedy is fucking terrible. It's not funny at all, and I think people respect it as a creative exercise more than any kind of actual result. I don't get it, I didn't laugh once, and I noticed "a type" that's into improv or think it's funny. Also I don't know one improv person that does stand up, all I see is 5 people on a team that are too chicken shit to stand on a stage by themselves.

Stand up comics look at improv people like a professional flautist looks at someone that plays the recorder.

“The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was a man was sitting next to a Hispanic couple,” Kim said. “We asked a question to another lady, completely different lady, we said, ‘Hey, ma’am, what is something small that pisses you off, like getting stuck in traffic.'”

The man, unsolicited, screamed out, ‘Sitting too close to a Mexican,’ while sitting next to a Hispanic couple.

Knowing the hacks who go to Second City these days, I assume this was met with a nervous laugh and a deflated rest of the set.

That's fuckn hilarious.

Being a mainstage Second City performer is not a full-time job. Some of them make a living by teaching classes and working in the office, but for most it's a few hundred dollars a month at most. So, the performers who are quitting aren't leaving high-paying gigs, they're going to go make $20 a show at one of the dozens of other Chicago improv theaters. It's more like a standup refusing to perform at the Laugh Factory anymore because the crowds are terrible.

Exactly. And Second City has had massive recent expansion. They added a stand up club, the Harold Ramis Film School and a ton of class/office space. They also had a massive fire last year. That can't be helping the cashflow.

And, tbh, some of the recent shows just havent been terribly funny. Like a lot of comedy today, when you're afraid to offend anyone you amuse no one.

The format itself isn't exactly the best for creativity. Even when you get the the main company, you still have to perform lots of "best-of" skits that Fred Willard and Robert Klein wrote in the 1960s. It's basically a revue for tourists.

They mix it up. There's multiple touring and sub groups that perform a mix of old sketches and new. The MainStage and ETC mostly do their thing. But, like most comedy today, they only go after Republicans and safe targets because they deathly fear bad reviews/press/PR/etc...

Even some of the old sketches won't get performed today. SC used to be like South Park. They made fun of everyone. Now? Chicago is slightly to the right of Beijing. Skits from the 80s and 90s that mocked Dems and Social Justice types ain't gonna see the light.

SC had a famous blackout(like a 30-45 second one joke scene put between sketches) in the early 90s where Hillary and Bill are sitting at the breakfast table and she asks "What should we do about the Abortion Bill?" and he responds "Pay it.". It got a lot of early E-Mail viral action. I doubt that would make any stage these days.

I'd bet that some of the comics these people point to as heroes (Pryor, Murphy, etc) heard much worse coming up.

If you don't like Trump or his positions, at least vote for him for the great triggering that will take off across our great nation.