Jimmy is going to do a AMA

36  2016-10-16 by Dennyislife

Said it on periscope when he used Chippas account.

Said he wants to have a few weeks of shows done so people can have fair points to make on how it is going



AMA is, ofcourse, an Eastern European gender queer child prostitute

someone ask how many tranny hookers $60,000 gets you

I'm just going to keep asking about Amy Schumer until he finally snaps and admits she raped him too.

Ask him why if Amy Schumer said she can't be friends with Trump supporters, why she's still friends with him?

an AMA, you faggette

Would you say Bam fucked Lynsi just an hour ago

Or Bam fucked Lynsi just a hour ago

"an hour" because "hour" starts with a vowel sound and ends with Lynsi moaning.

Boo, would rather ask Travis shit.

He'd rather be Tefft alone

We'll all be Tefft Behind

Tefft out in the cold, even!

How you been Tefftin' kuh Teffta?

It would appear the worm is trying to embrace Reddit. Until this place turns on him again, then you all are a bunch of anonymous fags to him again. He should refuse answering users unless they use their real identity. It's Norton online etiquette 101.


funny? just more silly.

Is he doing it here?

If not then fuck him.

I'm just gonna ask about CQ over and over.

Because the last 3 weren't just a way to plug a special.....

I suggest you watch this, if not for the obnoxiously loud Chippah footsteps as he runs around the apartment but for him trolling the room service guy.

Jesus fuck I hate you so much. You used to be funny you faggot fuck

This will just be pointless unless everyone asks about Opie & Amy.

I'll bring the pennies and bleach!

I'm sure it won't be overrun by awful /r/opieandanthony memes and be completely fucking pointless as far as promoting his brand

At this point who cares what Jimmy has to say? His comedy is horrible. He's a disaster on radio. I used to love Jimmy, but the dude is predictable.

Is he fishing for rubes again

I love Jimmy; but look at the room he's staying in. He's not big enough to demand those accommodations. He consistently wants these clubs to throw him five-star rooms with a first-class ride the whole way. What a lonely cunt he is. I don't mean to knock his career, but he's a potential Kevin Hart middle, which is a Radisson Inn comic at best.

LOL you desperate faggots he isn't looking to make friends with you, he's looking to hook you on his next scam.

Would you say Bam fucked Lynsi just an hour ago

Or Bam fucked Lynsi just a hour ago