When Piers destroyed Anthony

0  2016-10-15 by swankyturd


Destroyed? The guy said there was a correlation between violent video games and actual violence. He's a buffoon.

There is actually an inverse correlation between the two.

Piers is a fucking scumbag.

Piers mudder's cunt was so big.How big was it? You could fit the cruise ship Vic Henley worked on,in it........

Anthony is all "Oh god!" at the mention of Alex Jones.


Gang violence should be a pretty obvious answer to the America vs Britain gun crime. But Piers just deflects by saying AR15 are in walmart, and 90% of mass shootings are with assault rifles. Doesn't anybody CARE about mass shootings? No, not really. They are a minor issue next to gangs.

Lot of guns, poverty, drugs, and illegals around here. But very few shootings. Why? Not much of a street gang thing going on. Why? Not a lot of blacks. Get the blacks and hispanics together, you are in for a treat (they fucking hate each other)


If by destroyed you mean "used straw man arguments and made-up facts and figures", then yes - Piers destroyed Anthony.

I forgot that I posted this because I was drunk (as I am now) you yanks are fuckin retarded, how many mass shootings do you need to have to realise that your laws are idiotic? There are clearly too many idiots in your society that accept the idea that everyone should have guns and everything will be OK. Any reasonable person listening to this interview would realise that Piers (who I also think is a massive cunt) ran rings around Ant. As Obama said, this does not happen in any other developed country in the world.