Which one of you nerds was playing BF1 last night with the name "....mcgilludy".

0  2016-10-15 by AetherStep

Seriously go socialize. You dork. And i'm not just saying this cuz you killed me twice.

edit: sorry friends. I didn't know it was such a common name that i deserve to be verbally berated. good day.


That is actually a somewhat common phrase, I believe there is even a brand of alcohol called mcgillicudy. So fuck you and that game. Go play soccer with rocket powered rc cars like real men do

Theres a bar by my house called McGilicuddy's

Cool, I was actually just wondering about the name of some of the bars near twinkskc

It was pertinent fuckmouth

No, it wasn't. We all know "McGillicuddy" is a common term. OP was just being a dumb ass.

Shall I regale you with a tale about the time I had a shot of Dr. McGillicuddy's in college? Would that be "pertinent?"

Sure, sounds fascinating

Ok. Someone brought a bottle over to the apartment I was living in at the time and we drank a bit of it in between Natty Lights.

Did not occur to me that the spirits maker was stealing the name from Opie & Anthony (because it's a common phrase)


Look at Mr autastic over here with his video games


Hat McGillicutty?

i think it was spelled with "d's". As in DEEZ letters.