Is Opie holding back because he knows Jim and Sam will destroy him?

20  2016-10-15 by [deleted]



Well yeah

Remember how Opie used to talk shit about Fez constantly because he thought Fezzie was too weak to fight back?

Remember how he stopped talking about Fezzie after the "MY GUYS" incident?

Opie tried to bully the weakest guy of the group and got destroyed by an elderly gay agoraphobic. Forgot about that.


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Hashtag opieradio!

Imagine if the sternfan being held down by Master Po in the "HOW DOES IT FEEL FUCKER?!?!?" incident managed to get up and awkwardly elbow opie in the nose, shattering it in several places. It's like that. spuds would have instantly gone into hiding and retired from steering bluburries.

you cunts that wish you was peckahs...

Yes, he is. Nothing Opie could say could hurt Jim. Jim is a known wreck.

Opie still pretends to be a nice father who the world hates for no reason.

Jim would slay him, and Sam is waiting for revenge for being forced to kiss homeless men.

I heard some dark things about him.

He is a dark thing.

What do you think Tits is holding back? I know it's anger, but anger over what? Sirius choosing Jimmy & Sam over him?

Tits' self-preservation instincts are too strong for him to go at Jimmy and/or Sam, and he knows that Jimmy has fucking had it with his bullshit, and that he can't say or tweet anything that will fly under Jimmy's radar.

If anything, Tits will make vague, faggoty claims of taking the high road while implying he was done dirty, and that he could say some things, but won't. That way, Jimmy can't smash him.

Tits has one person to blame: Tits. That's it. If he truly feels wronged, the people at the top of the blame list would either be Sirius for "giving" Jimmy & Sam "his" time-slot, or the research, which would be down to us, the civilians.

Jimmy and Sam couldn't take mornings; Sirius had to give them to them. Tits is acting from the idea that Jimmy and Sam stormed into the studio one morning, barricaded themselves in it, and refused to come out until Sirius met their demands.

TL;DR - Tits is retarded

Jimmy and Sam couldn't take mornings; Sirius had to give it to them. Tits is acting off the idea that Jimmy and Sam stormed into the studio one morning, barricaded themselves in it, and refused to come out until Sirius met their demands.

From the way he comes across, from the way Norton negotiated his contract (iirc) "behind his back" and his noted habit of referring to everyone who has gotten sick of his shit as ingrates he helped build up only to be stabbed in the back by them, it seems to me The Opster likely believed Sam and Jim would -or should- have asked his permission personally before accepting the deal, and the fact that they didn't was a deliberate slight against him.

Opie's like that kid who declares himself leader of the gang and then gets all pissy-eyed when the other members use the treehouse without his permission or hang out with people who aren't in the gang. Meanwhile there is no gang and all the others kids are just having fun.

I think you're right, but Tits will never come out and say it, because Jimmy would smash him 6 ways from tomorrow if he did.

The funny thing is, Tits preemptively defeated his own argument with his "we're not close, and we're not even close enough for me to tell you who I am close to!" routine.

Stupid cunt.

God, I bet that fight sounds amazing now, given how things have unfolded.

Tits' scorecard only has one side on it. Every slight against him is recorded and magnified, while every dickhead, douchebag thing he says or move he makes against anybody else is completely ignored and stricken from his record.

He acts like his fight with Jimmy was done in private.

We all heard how he took his butthurt over Anthony's words and actions out on Jimmy and how he made Jimmy............wait for it.............guilty by association.

Speaking of GBA, has anybody even bothered to ask Joey Pies' opinion on this brouhaha?

Maybe I misconstrued it: Didn't Jim confirm that he found out that Opie was trying to cut down Jim's workweek? Has Opie ever responded or acknowledged that?

Yes, Opie said he didn't do that.

So that settles it.

Yeah, I'm 99% sure that happened, but we all just glossed over it for some reason.

So I guess when Tits was literally pushing Jimmy out the door, Jimmy was supposed to have had his head on a swivel and turned to give him a head's up that he was going to try for mornings, too, or ask Tits' permission to do so.

Delusional cunt.

And no, I don't think Tits acknowledged or addressed it, but if he did, he'd just whip out the "we both knew it was time to move on, and I wanted to do what was best for both of us" bs.

Watching Tits' all-for-nothing fuckery unfold has been the most entertaining thing he's ever done. And those fringe benefits! Jimmy will never forgive him, and he will never let Tits get away with anything again.

Jimmy's probably sitting on at least a half-dozen devastating one-liners. So much material. So many angles to work from. Tits is a comedian's wet dream. Subconsciously, irritatingly, Tits knows this and will never go after Jimmy again. Not directly/by name.

Damn his self-preservation instincts!

Then again, I can't see his retarded ego taking the hit, admitting defeat, and moving on. It seems inevitable that he throws some more passive-aggressive assholery Jimmy and Sam's way, especially now that he's on the clock. A year ain't shit, and Tits won't go quietly, or smartly.

Part of me finds that aspect a bigger deal because I just assume Tits wouldn't stop there, he'd cut him down to three days as a precursor to getting rid of him altogether.

And maybe I'm wrong entirely, but this whole situation really boils down to "Opie tried to get Jim fired and is pissy-eyed that he got caught". I sort of get Anthony being desperate for his job back and sucking Tit's tits, but Jim should never talk to this piece of shit again.

Opie thought someone he pissed off and tried to get removed from his show should wait for him to make a decision (and supposedly have 'the power') and then sign together. Seriously. He thought he was going to have more negotiating power with Sirius because somehow Jim and Sam wouldn't have signed without him despite them going on a show that had nothing to do with Opie. This whole thing is just pathetic. Opie screwed Opie, and he's so angry over finally realizing his posturing is bullshit that he's blaming two people that made his career happen. There's nothing special or unique about Opie, and this idiot fucked himself by playing his games and then fucked him again by pissing off everybody around him. And then he ran off to see if Ant would save his ass because without any comedians you have three hours of Oprah-Lite starring Gregg 'BUT I'M A DAD NOW' Hughes pissing and moaning in a studio that used to bear his name.

He's holding back on saying Jim and Sam are assholes, fuck those guys, etc. How do we get him to blow? I want to hear Jim and Sam go at him for real.

I think he's holding back because he is jealous and will be shredded by everyone if he gets mad at Jim/Sams success. Opie made his money and rode the greasy backs of a worm and a felon the entire time... Step aside Opie the show passed you by

Opie's strategy at dealing with all of his conflicts has always (or at least since he had kids) been to whine that he's the victim.

he always take the high road

tss more like Thunder Road

No, its because management did not like the new direction of the show

Of course they would, and of course he is. He's proven time and time again that he's a pathetic bitch, who is passive aggressive and will avoid confrontation at all costs. And if someone does confront him, he pulls the victim card, and cries. Literally.


I honestly don't think he has anything to "hold back"--he's just bullshitting. And if he makes something up (like, consciously, not instinctively, which he does all the time because he is delusional), Jimmy will destroy him.