Opie thinks its a good show. Whatever show building skills he did have are long gone

13  2016-10-15 by Dennyislife


it's the same show just at a new time and without any talent.

The worst part is that as a narcissist, he'll never, ever acknowledge to himself or anybody else that he's ultimately not good at what he does. The ball-washing of .002% of his former listeners is more than enough to keep his ego afloat, and when the show eventually gets cancelled he'll just blame it on scheming Jim/Sam and the incompetent SiriusXM execs who put him in a bad timeslot.

The funniest thing that will come from this is that Opie will continue to snipe and eventually be ignored while Jim & Sam put on a quality show and make us laugh. Opie's show will probably just vanish one day and he'll make some bitchy comment on Twitter that will be drowned out as that'll be the day that Bobo and Lady Di's Urn get married and have their 'honeymoon.'

Opie is just going to fade into obscurity, and good riddance.

Opie and his disciples really overuse the word chemistry. Do any of them even know what it means?

couldn't be happier

Is that why he bitched and moaned and generally acted like a child throughout the whole changeover?

Richard is a stupid pollock.


I don't think you should be calling anybody stupid.

There's a missing capital T.

No one cares

Opie is gone and you are still infatuated by him. You don't ever have to listen to him again. So, why do we still see post about Opie everyday?

I'm weening myself off opie hate but like all things that better your life its a slow process.

It's Chicken Soup for the Fag

Opie-hate is the new opiate

Well said faggot

It might have something to with the fact that he's a big titted, self conscious, habitual lying, no talent, hack dj who has no self awareness and has made a career off having funny people around him. Or maybe we are just all no life's who have nothing better to do. Either way, the Opie hate will never end.


It's both.