Opie lies again! Vos calls him out

64  2016-10-14 by BlueChippa


This is the most pathetic part about Opie. He lies about EVERYTHING, even the most trivial and mundane shit possible. He doesn't know how not to lie.

Nah, MORE pathetic is what lies he thinks will provide entertainment. The thought that goes through that dumb fucking skull of his of "Oooh, they'll like this one" right before the synapse clicks to spew the banal garbage, it's that thought that cringes me the most.

So ultimately, beyond a lack of morality/ethics, beyond utter...UTTER stupidity, lies a foundation of devastating poor taste.

Just IMAGINE all those boring middle-class suburban types being made physically uncomfortable and then changing their plans around for the day, all because the DESTROYER don't give a FAAAAWWUCK!!!!! Bwaha hahaha!


No, the most pathetic part is that he lies about everything and he's still not interesting.

If you don't base your stories in reality, you should be triple-interesting. But Tits goes the other way: he's fighting for his life just to get up to "dull as dog shit", and he still can't do it.

Lies are a valuable, damn near indispensable, part of a storyteller's arsenal. Leno was a semi-notorious story-pumper-upper, but it was always to make the story more interesting, which he did. Artie Lange lies his balls off during the course of his stories, but it always makes the stories better. Stern built his empire on weaving lies around grains of truth, embellishing and exaggerating along the way.

Conversely, when Tits lies, it's like a lone fireman with a hose on full blast being thrown around hither and thither.

Hes just pumping it up for the raqio

Sweetening it up just a bit? Lil bit?

Hauhauhauhau!.. Fawking Patrice man. Allright Snowaay wants in on this, Snowaaaay!?

Are you telling me he didn't used to be a model, didn't work for the mob, didn't grow up in poverty, and didn't do cocaine?

The Opester did some coke, he just don't remember what it smells like.

I've only done it a half a dozen times a while ago and just thinking of the smell is giving me butterflies and a little bit of a hard on.

Opie is a lying queer.


"I was changing it up a little bit" when Vos called him.

Were ya, Ope? Is that what you call making shit up - shit that isn't even funny or interesting or clever in the first place.

At least his lie was about an incredibly entertaining subject.

I disagree.

Happy cake day queer

Oh literal cakeday!

I don't think he's lying, I think it is much worse... it shows that he is not funny.

He was probably at home and people were complaining that the heat was too high. Then one of the Philly Crew probably quipped "Yeah Bro, you tryinna get us to leave or what?"

Opie then started howling and thought he would turn it into a radio bit. He thought Rich would join in and start riffing and say "Yeah...or put crappy music on!" and they'd get 90 mins of radio on getting people to leave.

It died though. As it should have.

He wants "squeezing that heat" to be a catch phrase. Its always a catch phrase and viral video with this mongoloid.

How does anyone take him seriously? I'm sure 90% of the stories he brings on the air are downright lies.

If you go along with his stories he lets you play with his jugs after the show.

ME: Hold on, HOLD ON..... that's the bit..

Opie's epitaph

Tss yeah like an opietaph or sumthin idk

Fawwwk yah!

He realized that it was literally impossible to mine any show material out of a kids birthday party at Build-A-Bear


I see Tits is still repeating himself over and over, as well as bragging about his passive aggressiveness again. I can't imagine how anyone is enjoying this shit.

"I think the party was at a place" says Vos, implying that the turning up the heat didn't happen. Opie says to Vos, "Way to go you stupid fuck, I was changing it up a bit." What, lying about banal things? He's been doing that since he was 18

Yup..."changing it up" is making up bullshit that Tits thinks will be entertaining on the radio.

Holy shit. THIS was Opie's contribution to his own show? A lie about turning the heat up at his kid's party???

Erock should quit and comedians should boycott the show based on this story alone.

Wow this is the most uncomfortable Opie has ever made me feel. So Vos is the STUPID FAWK because he called out a weird lie? ME: I just fawkin change things up man, pump it up so I sound cool passive aggressively kicking fawks out of my apartment

ME: After I turned up the heat and chased everyone out all the people around me started to applaud because I had done something they wish they could do but wouldn't have the balls for. sniff

fucking show sucks

"Way to blow up my spot, I was changing it up a lil' bit Vos, you stupid fuck".

Huh? Changing what up....a factual story? Yet again he attacks Vos for simply pointing out a fact.

I cannot even listen to more than a minute of this fucking asshole without wanting to scream. Is there anyone out there that actually likes this cunt of a man?

What's even worse is they just continue the conversation as if Opie wasn't just caught red handed in a bold faced lie.

4 year old birthday party banter. Riveting stuff.

Oh my god that really is embarrasing

I think the lie is when people tell Opie they're leaving because it's too hot. They're leaving because he fucking sucks.

Too bad the name Cool Guy is taken

I tapped out after the "oh yeahs". Could only handle a taste. Just a taste.

Cement bag lunches, punching out scuba instructors, turning up the heat at a kid's birthday party...if his lies were entertaining and somewhat realistic, that would be one thing. But they're so fucking dull, pointless and far-fetched. Tits really is a waste of space.

I'd say I loathe that man but I have a fetish for large breasts so I guess I just dislike him.


That'll get 'em outta your fuckin' place.

He was so embarrassed he defaulted to someone else's voice.


They just turn on his show and everyone splits.

goddamn rich vos

Didn't he tell a bunch of different versions of fighting a French guy while scuba diving during their WNEW days?

Vos says golf is more interesting than other sports because no two swings are the same, because of the wind and stuff. Opie responded unsarcastically "wow, pretty deep."

No two hits in baseball are the same. No two plays in football are the same. Vos is an idiot and opie thinks he's profound.

Recalling Oqie's greatest lies is just too exhausting.
The Cement Lunch Bag Keyiiid is alive and well.

That's just sad. Jocktober radio at it's finest.


I've only done it a half a dozen times a while ago and just thinking of the smell is giving me butterflies and a little bit of a hard on.

Opie is a lying queer.