O&A interview with Trump's douchenozzle son is getting media exposure

0  2016-10-14 by aftershave


At least you can't say Trump Sr. is a failure as a parent. He molded his shitheel boys into exact replicas of his own idiocy, like Joe Cumia, Sr. did with Ant and SAMCRO.


What a bag of shit Opie is. There is a 100% chance that he listened back to the interview to try and "get" Trump Jr. on something so that he could get some meaty-ite attention

That was immediately my thought. His favorite site, he must know someone who works over there. The clip they posted is mostly Opie, ends on a brilliant Opie point. He probably was the one who cut the audio. What an attention starved dick-head, probably out of spite over the Nancy Grace thing.

That's retardedly conspiratorial.

Yes, it's really a stretch to say that Opie wants viral attention.

Very good point, I forgot we were talking about Opie here.

Yeah Trump's son is a douchenozzle, not any of the unemployed tranny porn watching FAGGOTS of this sub.