Bill Clinton on Sesame Street talking to Kami, the HIV positive muppet

10  2016-10-14 by goldstandard32


Mr Clinton do you know that AIDS is mainly spread through gay circuit party butt fuck fests where homosexuals have raw buttsex with dozens of indiscriminate partners? hee hee

He knows first hand.

Bill Clinton fucks, that's for sure

Whether they want to or not.

No, I'm pretty sure it'd have been sussed out legally if he were a rapist. It's just bitches being bitches. Gennifer Flowers said that she and Bill would be together if not for Hillary. That says it all about how these dumb slags think: Oh, I sucked his dick, so clearly I own him now!

That goldigger fat skank Monica kept a dress with his cum for years!

See, that's something sane women do.

Women can do what the fuck they want apparently and still cry victim

My favorite is a girl who went to a party, got blackout drunk, and got raped/probably just had consensual sex with a guy who didn't know she was in a blackout state. She said that was rape. So what does she do after this? Does the exact same thing twice more. Party. Drinking to blackout. Sex. Not just something similar, but the EXACT SAME THING. Maybe at some point there's room to let the nuance in and say that not every rape was made equally.


AND women are funny. Get over it.

Dude I am from Sweden, there is a reason right wing people use Sweden is the "rape capital of Europe", it's because the fucking feminazis consider everything rape and the courts hand out charges. Welll unless you are white and rich, then all of a sudden the courts actually hear you out.

That's the best bit about "Berl Clernton izza RAPIST!" - I thought he was a murderer!

Strange that the fucking Starr investigation didn't do anything about these rape allegations are investigating Clinton for years, trying to find evidence of any wrongdoing, including murder and finally, finally managed to catch him out for fucking a fat intern and (gasp) lying about it.

Maybe Ken Starr didn't hear about all the rapes? Someone should tell him.

Kami is a bug chaser

im HIV negative, but in my life im a positive

I hope you reverse those

Member Philadelphia?

She got it from Ernie.

Poz my neg muppet


well she definitely sounds like she has aids

Now Bill looks like he has AIDS.


Isn't Kami the word Japanese use for God? Hmm...

Man, Okami is a great game.

Fuuuucck, im all in with the amaterasu


How embarrassing. Have some fucking dig-na-TEE.

Bill Clinton fucks, that's for sure

Fuuuucck, im all in with the amaterasu