[43:15] Listen to Jim Norton try to go viral again. S.R.& J.N. has actor Riz Ahmed on the show and Jim asks what is forest Whitaker role in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

0  2016-10-14 by Persiankobra


I don't get the Star Wars hype, a new hope was good, empire strikes back was great - return of the Jedi was shit. The prequels were all irredeemably shit.

The new one was ok but it was just a remake of a new hope, it was literally the exact same movie. Kylo Ren was gay.

One good and one great film like 50 years ago doesn't justify this Star Wars wankfest in 2016.

The Tom Cruise Groundhog Day space film was better than the force awakens.

Tom cruse groundhog day was good old fashioned scifi. The new star wars shit is just money grab from over - nostalgic childmen, who are in abundance

See: Kevin Smith

I think Kylo Ren is a pretty cool dude. Eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of nothing


i sure will