I love Jim &a Sam but I feel as if Sam rushes through topics and conversations.

1  2016-10-13 by [deleted]

Sam sets the pace of the show and Jim reacts, but I feel as if Sam should let the conservation breathe a little, let things progress more naturally. Sometimes it feels like the old after show with Jim as a guest. There are 4 hours to fill, Sam, you can slow it down.

Otherwise Sam is doing a great job. One thing I like about Sam is he's much more eloquent than Opie. Sam describes things in a precise and funny way. I think at some point yesterday Jim was playing his 1971 soundboard clips and Sam said something funny like "I understand you're trying to interject a humourous clip to enhance the converstion, but it's not effective." Something about using the word "effective" made me howl. Opie would've been like "faaawkin' Jimmy, those fuckin' clips man, it's BA-ROOTAL, Jimmy with those clips!"

Sam is the best describer.


I'm pretty certain he's just trying to make time for the guest's slot to plug their shit and babble about whatever they're doing. Remember, these guests have been prebooked back when Opie was running the boat so until they finish that list they don't really have a say in who comes in.

Which sucks either way, because guests are boring as fuck 85% of the time. I would so much rather have Sam, Jim, and the Tefftmaster just dick around for four hours.

Howl? Did ya also have to pull over because you were laughing so hard?


What is this?

Wonder where he learned that.