Just listened to the Hulk knocks down the Towers Jocktober for the first time

11  2016-10-13 by Mr702law

Vic Henley was on this episode and nearly ruins the entire bit with his insistence on commenting.


Don't you love how Opie came up with a semi-funny line "where you going, I did this for you" and then kept repeating it until everyone hated him again?

Sam also so excited that the guys are into something wrestling related

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTkejY7ZxVw at least post the link you dirty arab.

but ive never heard this before to be honest... i was in tears. the best bit is jimmy saying "why would he do that?"

Just wait till you hear him do a Dan Cook impression that bombs TWICE.

Mind you some genius did this to a Christian Music station. They can't fathom this nonsense.