"to tefft" is a verb

677  2016-10-12 by TheRealJimNorton

A lot of the success of the Nancy Grace video is because of this subreddit, so thank you, we really appreciate it. So far the show with Sam has been genuinely fun, I no longer feel tension walking into work every morning. For whatever reason, Opie and I stopped enjoying each other quite a while ago. There were some really fun times with him in the last couple of years and I know there were days the show was genuinely funny, but overall, it felt redundant and floundering and directionless and not fun to do. We stopped clicking (tssss like a fukkin broken remote and shit) and fans picked up on it immediately.
And lest I forget, I just had a brief chat with Johnny Brannnmuffinz (who was lunching and out of the office) and the Chip cartoon brought in approximately $61,000, after about $3,000 in credit card and Indiegogo fees, there was about $58,000 left over. $8 or $9,000 has been spent on the perks and not one dollar more has been spent. It's all still accounted for. We finally began shooting some stuff for what I hope will be an animation the fans are happier with. Anyway, thanks for helping that video go out like it did. if that fukin shit wuz anymore virel it wood have a buncha IVs in it and shit.


Jim I just want to say that this sub loves Dennis Falcone and we would prefer if he's associated with your show than with Oqie.

And thanks for being the only one of Opie and Anthony show to accept criticism and listen to it.

Yes. I dont know why you and Sam dont really want Denny around, but he's right below CQ as most beloved person related to the show. FYI.

Patrice will always be number 1.

Patrice Intern David will always be number 1.



For whatever reason1 everyone stopped enjoying Opie quite a while ago2

1 Opie is an unfunny, dishonest, mean-spirited, illiterate, parasite simpleton

2 20093

3 I started listening in 2009. YMMV

Nobody started.

Anthony came here all frennlee an shit once too. Then shit turned. The bit seems to be cyclical. Get on board, then attack.

Anthony only came here when we liked him, after that he pretended we don't exist. Jimmy was here even during the Amy Schumer situation and he was really hated by this sub at that time.

Been out of the loop since a few months after Ant was fired. What happened with Amy Schumer?

It turned out she's a fat pig cunt

Shit, he's here. Scatter.

When I said he looks like a worm with AIDS I meant it in a positive way.

HIV positive or sumthin.

You could see how a ladyboy can fall for a worm like him.

Like roaches with the light on.


You're not so smart now, are you? EAAAAAHHH!!!!!

Why, did he bring the rest of The Lords to back him up?

For the first time in a long time it sounds like you are happy and enjoying doing radio.

I dislike that.

"Norton is such an ass when he's secure"


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Thanks for not pretending this place doesn't exist you peesa G


Congrats Jim, Reddit is LOVING the direction of the show!

This is the first time since Ant left, and maybe quite a bit before that, that I've not just been listening to the full shows but also being pitifully excited for the next episode.

I stopped listening when Ant left and have been listening to old clips since. But I haven't missed an episode of Jim and Sam I love teft and the shitty ipad with even shittier sound effects, and even chip and uncle paul make regular appearances again. I hope it never gets polished or fixed because it's perfect.

The shitty soundboard has been my favourite thing.

The long car crash is music to my ears. love it!


The soundboard is the greatest thing I've ever heard on radio.

It's been years since I was almost overwhelmed with a new 3 hour show Every day. New ones come out before I get a chance to listen. I love it

Opie and I stopped enjoying each other quite a while ago.

ME: I haven't seen the video but I wish him the best of luck. The chemistree just wasn't there anymore. sniff

ME: According to some people I'm very close to Jim is now posting on some hater place now. I've got people in my ear telling me that he wanted them to Tefft me or something. Whatever that means. Does he realize all the terrible things that my close sources have informed me that they have been saying about me and my family?!

On Twitter You're Chip meets the Alt-Right meets Autism which I appreciate so thank you.

Lady Di: "Wait... wait... Is this Jim Norton?"

"No this is Louie and you're a fat pig cunt"

"Oh no... I'm not a fat pig cunt. (beer gulp)"


What is this?

ME: "Keep going Jay I have ocd, I can do this all morning"

Di: "I have ocd too Opie!"

Sweaterboy Cutie: "Obvious cow disease, you pig."

I really need to hear that clip now.


The Tefftmeister, you mean?

I think you guys are missing out a major opportunity with the Tefft-box. You need a morning-zoo style sweeper for when you ask for commentary from Travis. Maybe something with a lot of echo and laser noises. It might be better if Sam controlled the button for the sweeper though

Something catchy like "It's time for some Teftt!"

Wow, that IS super catchy!

Whaaat's your pleasure, young fella?

Don't! Abandon! Your! Family! For! A! RABBI!

(could replace " abandon" with Tefft)

Jimmy please talk Vos off the ledge so he can enjoy himself on your show.

Vos was given airtime on SXM for his podcast and $ for a movie form Opie. Like him or not (not, hard to like at all) but Opie seems to be decent to Vos and consistently at that.


Opie bought Vos' loyalty and Jews love money.

pick the wording you feel works best

Love ya jimmy. Your show really is great so far.

My one hope is that you guys dont go overboard with the serious interviews/guests. Colin Quinn said it best when he criticized your celebrity interviews, its like everyone is waiting for them to leave so it can get back to being fun.

Agreed, though I think some of them are interesting enough that it helps break up the monotony as long as they don't drag on too long. After 5 minutes with a guest it's very easy to tell whether they're worth having on any longer or if they have nothing interesting to say (see: Mia Isabella).

I would rather hear jim and sam alone fucking around and joking about some stupid news story than any author, actor, porn star, or fucking saxophone player or whatever the fuck.

"Serious Interview Jim" will never not be revolting to me

That's mostly true for me too, but every once in awhile there's a guest who's interesting enough on their own that Jim's interviewing skills don't kill it, and sometimes they provide good fodder for Sam and Jim to riff on afterwards (Jim enjoying Rick Astley's new song was hilarious to me).

Don't get me wrong though, they are usually terrible, and if they aren't forced by SXM to take a lot of those guests they should be turning down most of them.

EDIT: CQ also said something along the lines of "It infuriates me to hear Jim suddenly act smarter when an intelligent guest comes in, because he's not smarter."

"Norton is a pontificating ass." CQ

I really enjoyed the rick astley interview, and the nancy grace one too. The shitty ones have been with bores like the paki rapper.

That's racist pal.

Thanks Jim. You've had your ups and downs here but you're still a sweater boy cutie in my book.

tss ups and downs like an elevator salesman

Fawk yeah

Jim your sound board is too funny

You acknowledged our existence. Bold move big Jim, let's see how it pays off.

yeah I'm sure Disney is trying to reach his agent as we speak since he won over the "/r/OpieAndAnthony" crowd.

Fucking delusional babies.

tEH wAI yOUu tReAtED tHaAT NaNCY LadDEe wAs In A mAhhNNeR of LowRER StTHoCk.

We need a teft cam

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I don't know, you'd have to ask Ms. Tefftberg... I assume she kept her last name and just added Berg when she became Jewish. That's how it works right?

skinless cocktail.

Ask and you shall receive.

I literally love the current direction of the show Jim & Sam. Keep this shit teffting!

We appreciate your acknowledgement, Jimmy. Dont be a stranger now.

Show's been PFG so far. Now get that nigger scorch on the phone. He's a star out in hollywood

This is the only thing I hope Yimmy responds to. I love Scorch more than any other bit probs

There's a lesson here Jimmy: "nice" interviews with porn stars, MMA fighters, and WWE superstars don't get nearly enough laughs as having some oblivious schmuck who wrote some shitty book and get verbally destroyed because you guys don't care about torching the bridge.

I'm a HUGE WWE fan, but give me the choice between an interview with Seth Rollins, Riley Reid, or Dr. Charles Moffat, author of the book "Protecting Your Children from Sexual Predators", which of the three do you think I'll choose? I wanna see Seth wrestle, Riley fuck, and Dr. Moffat to Uncle Paul.

Fuck that, it ain't the '90s anymore


Fawkin' home run chippah!

Also, can you guys start getting a newer blood third mic comedian in every now and then... like a normand / list / gomez / big jay / davey smith / aaron burg / metzger / tim dillon / etc? Any of the classics are welcome of course but I don't want to be too demanding.

Congrats on the new show and getting rid of that huge faggot opie btw!

Yeah, I'm loving the new energy and carefree silliness. I do miss hearing guest comics on 3rd mic though. Some of the guest comics, anyway.

As long as they don't have good guys like Soder burn themselves out by coming in every day for three weeks, this formula would be great

Tim Dillon is a great shout, I also like when that fag Metzger is on with Jimmy, they did a show ages back that was a great nopie.

A crossover of Jimmy's and Aaron Berg's characters is a wet dream of mine.

Have Bobby in studio more. The Bob and Sam show is the shit. Peckas

Oh shit yeah how are they not having bobby in? The bobby and sam show was great.

I think their show was always good because it sounded like Sam was sitting on Bobby's pancake lap and pinching his helmet in his fanny.


Ctrl+F=Peckahs (0)

Nancy Grace...

what is she sayin prayers or something all the time before she eats?

that dont make no sense.

tsss fawk yeah dat bitch is alwayz on her knees to or sumpthin

You're one of my favourite radio personalities, Mr North.

That's Joe Norton

James Morton

That's all well and good, but riddle me this, tough guy:


WHO? And how did Hulla know him?

Love you, Jimbo. Might there be a Colin Quinn appearance at some point in the near future?

I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I could tell. I could feel this weird vibe that emanated from certain discussions. The great grape altercation, and the on air fight between Opie And Jimmy, brought to light what we felt. Opie is just a self absorbed dick. He constantly contradicted himself from one sentence to the next, and sounded like a complete anti-social asshole. I was done with Opie at that point. I still give him credit for his roll in the show we all loved for years, and still re-listen too. With that said, never again. I see the truth of who he is, lies, backstabbing and the me me me that is him, that he constantly railed against. I wish you and the Neanderthal twink all the best, and give all the support I can.

Happy Rebirthday Jimmy

ah peckaz.

Have you considered doing some on the street type stuff with chip? I think doing stuff like the comic con videos is where chip is at his best

"my mudder said its bigger than average" is still one of the funniest things ive ever heard.

So, late to the party and don't expect you to ever see this post but whatever. Before the Jim and Sam show started a few weeks ago I hadn't heard or seen anything you had done for at least a couple years. When the new show started I started listening again. I thoroughly enjoy listening to you guys. The thing O and J and, for years previous, O and A had been missing was the vibe of two or three people who have chemistry and enjoy each other's company just hanging (YESSSSSSSS.)

At best Opie was an unfunny, albeit necessary guide for the show but at his worst he was an infuriating, steamrolling asshole. At his best Ant was the quickest, most brutally funny guy I've ever listened to, but at his worst he became a politically and racially obsessed wackjob who seemingly forgot how to be funny. For the longest time OnA (and Norton&friends) were the funniest, most enjoyable part of my day. But toward the end, with both op and ant at their worst, I just stopped enjoying the show. And to be honest if they reunited tomorrow I still probably wouldn't listen for the same reasons I stopped listening in the first place.

The show you are doing with Sam is kind of the best case scenario for picking up the pieces of OnA. Is it as good as prime OnA? Of course not, but it's a hell of a lot better than its last couple of years. Now I'm fully aware that there's plenty of time for the show to start sucking and/or for you and Sam to start hating each other, but hopefully that doesn't happen because I'm really fucking enjoying listening to the show.

On the off chance that you and/or Sam A) actually saw this post and B) made it this far into my long winded diatribe, I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for the years of entertaining me and thanks for working together on this new show. I look forward to listening, hopefully for years to come. Peckahs

Bring back lady di from the navy. She's served her country well

Never simmer down, Jim.

You're welcome Jim, but remember the Amy Schumer joke stealing video? It's got 1.2 million views. That's not including the original views from the first one that was DCMA'd.

I don't really have a point other than Amy is a lying, pandering, raping, shoplifting, joke stealing cunt, so stop defending her. That is all.

A "tefft" is a firm pull on pubic hair, but only in a male homosexual capacity. The show's research team (?) needs a fucking tefft. Fuck you.

Really enjoying the new show. Haven't listened to you since Anthony left and you're the reason I started listening to O&A in the first place.

You certainly are getting another chance here.... As soon as you start complaining about your business class flights being too bumpy or how a celebrity wouldn't sign your poster, I'd avoid this place.

The tefft means a lot Jimbo. Appreciate it.

I just teffted in my pants.

Hi Opie! Which failure hurts the most? - your solo show, funny mofos, or when you climbed a tree the first time you found out about pussy

Just say he stinks, Jim. We all know you know it, and if he had gotten any nastier you would have eventually said it. Sayyyyy it

Now if only Anthony would come back and start posting with us again.

I wish that sniffiling fuck Opie would discover the "keMusTree" between ammonia and bleach.

Your show buries Opie Raqio's. like a twig and berry or sumptin ya piece of garbage

Every bit of press you guys get pushes lonely Opie a little closer to suicide. Happy to help!

keep up the good fight Jimmy, don't give in to the terminal illnesses.

Oh shit, Swim walk

I tefft... You tefft... He/She/We tefft...

Tefftology? The study of Tefft? It's first grade Spongebob!


i got nothing. good to hear from ya Jim. I called you a worm many times on here but it seems like you are back on track. more power to u. or summtin

tssss you no longer feel tension, whatdya feelin elevension or sumtin

Jim, you may be sober, but you are drunk on e-fame right now. Mind how you let it affect your decisions. Interacting with the psycho ex girlfriend -((this sub))- because she seems to like you for a moment usually ends in regret for getting involved again.

JIMMMMYY!!! The new show is great! i really feel like the show is back! i think you guys need to try to get Ant in the sirius building, but you and Sam are doing great radio together! I've generally always wanted Sam to die a slow painful death, but you guys are bringing the show back to what the fans have wanted!

I think the A/C is working fine. They don't need to waste a service call with Mr. Cumia.

Go to comic con again or some other convention like a BLM rally. That's your best work you piece a gahbage.

Love the new show, Jimmy. You and Sam are the brightest hope of the post-O&A world.

While you're here, the word "reactionary" means extreme right-wing, not someone who reacts quickly on the spur of the moment. "Reactive" is probably what you mean. Stop shaming yourself and us with your irresponsible use of language!

Jimmy tried to pay me back in cans of self-heating soup.

I said no because I don't like sticking my tongue in a hot can unless it's got testicles dangling from it.

You really teffted us on that Chip Chipperson cartoon, you jerk

Management loves the new direction. sniff


Good golly, you touched all the bases, Mr. Chipperson!

(Adjusts monocle)

(Returns to fapping)

(Checks Panera work schedule for morning wake up timing)

Oh and pull your hermit friend out of bed and get him in studio. You know that lonely old fool could use it.

Where's my money?

It's good that you're having fun again, even with that mutant Sam. I hope he continues to develop (in many ways) as he is amusing at times. As long as you don't go down the same phony shill road that Patton and Big Amy did, it seems you'll always have a place in our hearts, sweet boy. But don't start thinking that you guys don't need Denny and Colin, they are the fifth element ffs.

to err is human. to tefft is divine


Don't worry Jim, we all love you again. The show has been listenable and oftentimes funny, and the Nancy Grace interview kept my nipples nice and hard from start to finish. It took me back to the good old days of O&A. Your stuttering made me cum.

This will probably be buried, but I absolutely LOVE the new show. Great job, Jim and Sam. And Tefft.

Wow! It's such an odd feeling to see a real person on this subreddit.

You emerged as a champion in all of this Jimmy. Everything was handled perfectly, you got yourself a great show, so much support, everybody loves you. And you were already thick-skinned, but the way you handle criticism has even improved so much more. I know like 80% of it is absolutely retarded nitpicking bullshit. But you've evolved man.




Glad you're back Jimmy.


You should stay up late responding to people on this thread. I enjoy a sleepy Jimmy more than most things.

Do any black girls want to fuck in a... oh shit, wrong sub.


When are you retroactively changing the name of your special to Contefftually Inadequate?

100% home runs with that soundboard

A Worm has more backbone than a Sloth. Fact.

Dayum... thats a good press!

Jim I love the direction of the new show. Also glad to see you have the balls to post here.

We love the UFC guests, keep 'em coming. Just one after another, boom boom boom.

I've actually cared about radio again thanks to you, Jim. Thanks for all the great laughs. Keep it up.


The show has been great! You and Sam have some really great chemistry and it sounds like you guys are just having fun. I'm really glad there's more Travis on the show and it isn't always Pearl Jam related. I love the sound effects, especially the snort, it makes me fuckin laff you cock sucka. Peckaz

Thanks for finally giving Opie the boot. I don't understand why you didn't make the decision to fire him before but I truly respect it. Must've been hard to fire someone who was once a friend

All the cock teasing aside Jim, can you have your fine crew call Marion and get us an update on how many more brain cells Lady Di has since departed with?

It sickens me how happy this post made me. One day on this board increases my autism tenfold; as well as my faggotry.

GG, wouldn't have it any other way.


Your use of "lunching" made me enraged beyond all reason.




When are you guys having Bobo on your show?

Big fan of Jim and Sam. It has that OnA feel even in its infancy. It's only going to get better over time.

Nah.. it sucks and will eventually be cancelled.


Bring back Rock Scream Tuesday

Love you Jim

Tefft on teffting on, Jim!


Glug glug glug glug glug

Love Chip in any way shape or form as long as Jimmy is doing the voice and writing his parts. And Uncle Paul.

JIMMYYYYYYYYYYYYY please keep making me laugh on the radiooooo

JIMMY! (Fuck Opie in his ass with a truncheon. Nobody likes him.) Somebody get Sherrod off the radio. Forever. Get Colin out of his fucking fortress of solitude more often so I don't have to hear Sam's voice as much. Steroided whiny motherfuck. Hear his solo show? He's damn right he worked hard, no idea how that voice got airtime.


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Fawkin' sock cucka.

bunch a fuckin peckahs

Hey Jim you were funny once

Once. A long time ago. And he forgot to STOP! That rogue.

I have spent hours researching and apparently tefting is an old English verb used by American colonists shortly before the revolution. I am a major history buff and this is absolutely legitimate.

Tefting is when the plantation owner has a young adult son who is sexually attracted to men and brings in the biggest slave in the farm. The slave then spits on the young adults sons asshole and fucks him raw until to poop and blood dribble out of the anal cavity. The slave then bashes the sons head in and escapes and becomes a successful business man in the north. He is a direct ancestor of Lebron James.

Go fuck yourself Jimmy! You have for ever ruined my favorite after dinner treat of some delicious Chocolate chip cookies - Wassat???


Sorry for being "that guy". but fuck it...I want some information. Can someone fill me in on the Chip cartoon and the sam show?

There was some "Teffting" done at www.TrumpWinsBigly2016.com

"This guys alright!"

I love you, Jim! Please come to London soon! Please!

Can we get this thread to 1000 upvotes?

More fuckin' around with d-bag, ya piece a' gahbage! Shit like that is fun to listen to.


You should introduce a segment called Der Teffter where Travis reads articles from the Daily Stormer as if he's all in with them because of the incident with his muddah. Run it by Greenstein first, of course.

should have spent any extra on getting sam some hair plugs or getting vos bigger brain maybe one from a squirrel

I'd say Sam still has too much hair.

too much and yet not enough. he has a body that can anger everyone and please no one.

TeFt LoOSt HiS sHoE iN a PuMkIn PiE




Happy birthday yimmy!


Happy Birthday, Little Yimmy. Keep up the good work. (listen to what a positive little fairy I've become. That's what happens when you catch a case of the Tefft!)

What a pandering faggot.

Honestly the one thing that makes me respect Opie over all these other idiots is that he rightfully ignores this shithole.

This place is not "the fan base" it's just a couple hundred 15 year olds who want to bully their way into relevance.

Ant made the same mistake and it almost cost him his freedom. Go ahead Jim. Listen to what these retards have to say and pander to it. I'm sure that will launch you into a Pixar project.




Now that I'm thinking about it.. What the fuck did that video have anything to do with this sub?? NANCY GRACE blew it up on her own. She went on the FUCKING VIEW and bitched about it.

This sub had literally ZERO to do with the video.

Some of us are 40.

BUT IM ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Bless your heart.. I'd never seen that.

Definitely lost some respect for Jim to pop into this sad abyss of misplaced anger. Opie is not the reason you guys have shitty lives.

This isn't even the correct subreddit for his show.

Letting down your guard and posing a thread is stage 1.

Fuck off homo

My dog has cancer and my dog is the only living creature on earth that likes me. Even with the up and down relationship you have with this fickle crowd you're lucky you get to have people that are your fans. You better be grateful you little faggot.

ha what a loser. I have TWO animals that like me

How's your dog? Is it dead yet?

Surgery Wednesday.

I hope your dog gets better & then abandons you for someone kinder.


I'm really nice to my dog when I'm not beating the cancer out of her with spinning elbows. By the way. Fuck you at least I'm aware of my misguided anger unlike most of this fucking place.

I hope it goes well then man, cheers! (:

Here boy! Here boy!

spinuch you are a sweet boy who has my love



This comes off as very cunty


I bet they call you The Obnoxious Advice Keeeed.

you're still a spineless worm in my eye

you're a better person when you're fat

just give it up, there's no more chip cartoon. It's fine, it's over lil Jimmy

You're a pussy for blocking people/using

Your standup sucks and is on par with Joe Rogan

You can't physically defend yourself

Your head shape was never meant to be bald. And when you grow hair you look like a dyke

You will die alone in the friend zone

Why don't you tell us what you really think?

Like roaches with the light on.

When I said he looks like a worm with AIDS I meant it in a positive way.

You're not so smart now, are you? EAAAAAHHH!!!!!

Why, did he bring the rest of The Lords to back him up?