"Come and Get it!" Little Murders 1971

6  2016-10-12 by GooberGibbs


You think people are going to watch through this dogshit to find the relevant three seconds? Provide a link that starts at the appropriate time or at the very least tell us where the clip starts.

Like this: https://youtu.be/t0w_yf2ttbY?t=3m20s

I put that in the original post in the text section but for whatever reason it didn't show up when I posted it. After that I lost interest.

Luckily enough a whining faggot such as yourself showed up to add it.

A faggot that's dumb enough or "edgy" enough to refer to a cult classic written by Jules Feiffer, directed by Alan Arkin and has a great cast with phenomenal performances as "dogshit"...

Thanks for stopping by and joining the team for the big win.
