Denny's on bennington saying Sam and Jim have given him the fuck off

39  2016-10-12 by Dennyislife

Poor Denny also saying he wants Ant to come back.


The Piss Cup runneth dry.

He also gave Donald Trump Jr. his business card saying he wanted to DJ his dad's event when he wins.

Remember your ABC's!

Always be closin'

Piss is for closers only.

You call yourself a Piss Lord, you son of a bitch?

Best laugh I've had in a few days. Thanks!

Jim and Sam are exposing themselves as unaware nothings. Dennis is the guy who listeners hold above any of their stupid guests. And fuck Roland.

I called it. Jim has expressed in the past no interest whatsoever in Denny. Big mistake on their part. The boys never learn their lesson.

Jen Carmody and Kesalsy Cook is there it at

He's also turning down doing voices for Stern show. God bless him.

Said Sam doesn't 'want to overdo the bit'

Opie's used him 2 or 3 times.

I like how Denny is the most die hard pest/knucklehead of us all.

He's like the Japanese soldiers that thought World War 2 was still going on in the 70's.

1 appearance in 8 shows isn't too bad. Opie has used him because he is grasping at straws.

Sam is right, Denny is the best but you can't have him on all the time. Once a month is a good sweet spot to be at. I hope that it was just the case of not wanting to overexpose Denny (Which is a good thing.)

He's also turning down doing voices for Stern show. God bless him.

wait what?

a staff e-mail went out asking for people to do something for Stern. He told them no as he's part of O&A world

that really is something a pest would do. shit on your own career chances to show loyalty to a couple of fruits who dont care about you.

Christ, the actual O&A would eat Nancy Grace's puss to do something with Howard now.

that's integrity

This is distressing. Genuinely. My life is in ruins.

Denny is a goldmine of pure radio genius, maybe they're just saving him for when they really need it.

Hopefully they have Denny O'Falcone and his hard drive of hits lined up for March.

Ron- "People can't be unchoked." Fucking hilarious

If they don't have Denny on the show, they are dead to me

Do you think Denny was the one talking behind sams back to Opie? Not Erock?

No it was Erik. He was/is pissed about losing his Friday night show.

He sounds really fat and sad on opies abortion of a new show.

He's getting paid. Fuck em

Bagelin with the sex.


Nigga loves them LEGOs

NO. Never. Not the DJ.

Opie got Denny and Jim got Tefted. Fair enough.

Is the audio of this available anywhere? Thank you...

that is the bit! for jim to get annoyed and start making tiny head jokes about denny.

Good. Fuck him.

Thank god. I thought I was the only person on this entire board that doesn't care for Denny. Seems like a nice enough guy; but I don't understand the appeal at all.

We love the high school bully joke made by opie you see, we said o piss Lord cometh, thy shall drink thy own toxic wasteth oh praise him who isth to be blessed because it's fucking classic man

Bagelin with the sex.

He sounds really fat and sad on opies abortion of a new show.
