
157  2016-10-12 by [deleted]



Opie must be seething.

Opie's Senpai noticed his rival.


I think he was just letting him know about his bowel movements.

member that time when jim was tweeting gay shit like sausage party is the best movie evr!!

I member

tss what are you startin a fawkin club or sumptin??

fawkin homerun dapper. Double fawkin D, like hootahs ah sumthin tss

Yeah! A fuckin male member! (that's science talk for pecka)

He's too Jewy for me.




Jim Norton will now be cast in Seth Rogen movies. He's the next Danny McBride I tell ya

Blinky McGee can't pull off the smooveness of Daniel McBride

Tss more like Jimmy McExtra

Seth must not realize that Jimmy was bullying a poor defenseless woman. I KNOW Mr. Apatow would not put up with Jimmys malarky.

Isn't Nancy Grace a conservative though? Because then it's okay.

Fair point.

What about lil Sammyyyyyyyyy

What a fat, fake faggot. Don't acknowledge someone you know publicly until their 15 minutes starts.

What's the backstory here?

Comedian Jim Norton did something Actor/Writer Seth Rogen admired and this is tweet of Seth acknowledging that feeling publicly.

Most celebs get paid for cameos. I wonder how much the worm would pay Seth Rogan for a real part in one of his flicks. $60,000?

Seth has milky tits

Seth is like 20 years younger than Jimmy, works a fraction as much, has zero talent yet is 100 times more successful. Bend the knee Jimmy.

But does he talk about trans women

Great, shitman.


A dump Seth Rogen just took on Jimmy's chest.

Fuck Seth Rogen and anyone who thinks he's anything but a phony hack.

Dude, but weed maaaan!

Ignore that guy. He probably isnt edgy and cool enough to smoke marihuana blunts

You didnt think the "Just the tip" and "Canadians say sorry alot" jokes from Sausage Party were original?


downvoted - has nothing to do with O&A

This place hasnt been about OnA for about 2 years

Thanks for letting us know, shit dick