Jim and Sam have more journalistic integrity than everyone at every major news network

45  2016-10-12 by matterson6

What the fuck has this country come to?


Um, Jim was butthurt over a twitter banning and Sam was white-knighting his beloved men in tights. She deserved every second of that, but let's not go crazy here.

Major news networks haven't had integrity in decades

'Member when CNN had that missing flight bullshit going on for months because they knew it would get views? They're basically giant clickbait youtube channels

It's gotten much, much worse with Hillary running. They are transparently megabias in Hillary's favor.

They've always leaned left, but it really seems they've doubled down. I'm not sure if they're pro Hillary or anti Trump, but they don't seem to be pretending to be objective anymore.

They're politically biased, but there's more going on. If it was that simple, they'd have shilled for Bernie, not Hillary. The Clintons basically own the media.

Day 2: the plane hasn't been found but let's show you a 3-D computers generated animation of plane.





the globalist agenda

I would not call it "journalistic integrity", but they definitely, in this instance, are being more honest. Jimmy mentioned earlier about how Ben Carson may not sound as intelligent as he is because he is not media-trained. That is the same mind-set with this interview. Jimmy and Sam do not HAVE to kiss anyone's pecker, so they are going to get way more honest responses than anyone else. Awesome job yesterday

Jimmy and Sam do not HAVE to kiss anyone's pecker,

Yet they still do so out of the kindness of their hearts.

The fact is, they favor neither the left or right. They come at interviews and current events from their honest perspective and are open to having their opinion swayed, given the information.

That's objectivity. That's journalistic integrity.

The fact that the networks propped up Trump during the GOP primaries with free, relatively soft and favorable coverage because he was great for ratings. This includes NBC news sitting on a damaging audio tape for over a decade, only to release it in October when it would do the most damage since the thee networks, cnn, and msnbc are now in full blown elect Hillary mode. They could have easily released this during the primary and Trump would likely have been knocked out but that wasn't their preference.

Also if they had given Clinton even a bit of the scrutiny that she deserved during the primary the Democrats would likely have another nominee but they have wanted her to win all along.

Wikileaks has been great in exposing the collusion between the Clinton Campaign and the Press

I wish more people woke up to this bullshit. But instead they happily elect another war criminal while making snarky orange jokes about Trump. "He looks like a Cheeto LOL!"

Not saying that Trump would be any better, either. But at least he has a sense of humor and doesn't just show his upper row of teeth while flies land on him

Even the Democrats can't defend the media's treatment of Trump and their love fest for Hillary. Am not a Sanders or Hillary fan but felt bad for Bernie's supporters because their whole "revolution" was worthless and they didn't stand a chance. The fix was in from the start. Now with the Wikileaks latest release it shows even further how "objective journalism" is a myth.

Yeah, I don't like Bernie, but he's the one who really got screwed. He sure snapped in line though. I wonder if he really hates Trump that much, they promised him something, or they showed him a suicide note in his own writing.

It's what the Democrats do...they always get in line behind the nominee. The Republicans for some reason rarely do that.

Thank Ted Turner. He gave birth to the "24 news cycle". And killed traditional journalism.

But he gave us 2 Cold Scorpio so its a wash imo

He gave up Captain Planet, too.

I can't wait until he dies. He is trying to live forever and I want to see him fail.

This just in, Lamar got puddin all ovah my mudda's face and backside!

Mulatto and the Worm is the next true media destination.

"These people are so poor, and so black."

oh lord