Hey Opie. Jim and Sams dumb interview with a talking pig is more viral than the o&a reunion videos

191  2016-10-12 by Dennyislife



Opie is left with no other option than to unleash the big guns. Lynsi, take Hudson and Nile out to the park, Harry Hater needs the bathroom!

Eww he really named his kids Hudson and Nile? Ooouhhh how artistic

I hope he ends up like Rivers Phoenix...






He thinks after the two rivers in nyc

Vuurrry good

Hudson Hughes. That's a really suitable name for a rich douchebag.

you misspelled autistic there.

everyone knows full-well that her name is Opeta.

Or if you watched the last episode of The Shield...."Family meeting!"

Ah yes, the ol' Crippler Crossface

You mean the one Shane killed his family?

More like the one Vito had with his family after returning to New Jersey.

This deserves more upvotes.

ME: Taking cheap shots at Nancy Grace is the easiest way to go viral. Just another shortcut by Sam. Period.

Hahaha....if there truly was a shortcut to going viral, Opie would be treading that path.

Is it the easiest?

I'm happy for Jim and Sam, but I do wonder what could have been had the viral spiral team been engaged


Maybe Nancy Grace's head could have been dancing around the studio to "the bitch is back"?

Hey, Opie, get Tefft

This... I don't know if I wanna upvote or downvote this... Given the past few weeks "get Tefft" could mean "win the lottery" or "spontaneously combust at your daughter's baptism". Or anything in between.

So take my indifference.

it's fine! i wish them nothin bhut the bhest. To be honest with ya, if we're bein' honest.

I was pumpin' it up a lil bit

for the show

to be totally honest with you

Went to Opes chanel, the most viewed videos have nothing to do with him. He was only the camera man

Yes but the HD Flip did not find those interesting videos on its own. Someone had to walk in carrying the HD Flip and pull the trigger press Record. HD Flips don't shoot anything on their own.

You could say that about his entire career

It's 2016 no one give's a shit about two washed up shock jocks.

for some of us, that's all we have.

..in the arms.. of the angel....

Give as little as 1.99 $ /month to support your local O&A fan, they are in dire need of money to try to fuck that confusingly attractive tranny hooker but bailing on the last minute then awkwardly having to pay their tranny handler who suspects you have mild autism. Please call now 555-555-555


He coulda been a model

I have been browsing the internet all morning like the sad sack of shit that I am and literally have not seen that Nancy Grace video posted anywhere outside of here. Literally nobody outside of a tiny circle is talking about it. It wasn't even that entertaining. How are you measuring "viral"?

i was thinkin we go work the newspapers in the balkan countries again. say that nancy is hillary clinton and the she got a good dressing-down by sam roberts, the romanian hero who in an earlier life walked into chernobyl and shut down the reactor himself at great cost to his own genetics.

This answers a lot of questions.

Where we at with Ant_Sucks?

viral Big Amy interview?

Can you link the interview?

Well people know who Nancy Grace is no one gives a fuck about Opie or Anthony except the savages that come here.

talkin pig wut is she like pork or sumptin? haha dats all ya cock suckahs

It's gotta annoy O&A to know that Nancy Grace (and her declining career) is FAR more relevant than they are.

Wrong. Three of Opie's reunion videos total more than the Nancy Grace video. Sorry. ROFL.


More like the one Vito had with his family after returning to New Jersey.