Boycott with Anthony

160  2016-10-12 by Justyna_A


Where the fuck is my guest? Fuck!

Just wait until the studio is up

Tss, why not GIRLcott uh sumpthin.

Tss cause they make cookies or sumpthin


More like transcott tsstss, Jim does enjoy women with extra gift tss tss

I don't like how many "tss's" you used. There's a two tss maximum on Chip references.

Tss tss chip why not bag o crisp tss tss

You are playing with fire.

He's a piece of shit, is what he is. I think even two tss is pushing it.

He's a real chazzer. You know what a chazzer is? It's a yiddish word for "pig." That's a guy that wants more than he needs. That don't fly straight.

Dat don't make no sense

Two is absolutely pushing it. If an "asumthin" is used, the second "tss" is like calling a guest his murdered son's name.

he should have her on as the victim


BOYcott is right, you tranny-chasing scumbag.

I totally imagined you putting out a cigarette, and then getting up/walking away after.

I made that post and then read that it basically had been made multiple times in this thread already. Doh.

Tss YEAH he spelled BOYCOCK wrong ur sumpthin! I'm FAWKIN GOOD!

Fawk yaaah, take us out, pig boy

Fucking Cumia!

Chip fucking stole my joke! I made this post, then 2 hours later Chip Tweets it to Anthony. Piece a gabbige.

It was total intellectual Tefft. "Punitive DAMAGES!"

Punitivative damages.

I aint fallin' for that shit. Trant's pocky ass could'nt stand her gassy ass too

Parallel thinking, eh Anthony?. You couldn't stand seeing someone getting the glory of two upvotes for a hilarious joke. You had to steal it for yourself.

Are you that bartard who thought Dan Soder stole his joke?

What the fuck is Ant doing? Fucking hypocrite.

It's a joke, you literal baboon.

i knew that

You didn't

You didn't know it, but I apologize for calling you a baboon.

We all get a little carried away, sometimes...

Shit. You're right, I'm an idiot.

And apology accepted.

I don't like how many "tss's" you used. There's a two tss maximum on Chip references.

Punitivative damages.