Opie and Anthony used to exploit shit all the time

0  2016-10-11 by Lilcumia

What was Nortons point about hashtags? Wrestlers do die at a younger age. OnA had a wrestler death clock. They took stories about disabled kids and made jokes about them. How is Nancy Grace worse?


They were a comedy show not a woman convincing millions of fat women of whatever her viewpoint was in all seriousness.

Who cares who she convinces about what. Her show was outrage tv like Maury or Jerry. They liked them though.

She was trying to be taken seriously. The comedy radio show Opie and Anthony did the same thing but they didn't have an agenda. What's hard to understand?


When you're right, you're right. However I will overlook this hypocrisy because I enjoy the show.


You're a fucking dipshit OP.

Dude.... 'cause shes nancy grace... if she killed 5 million jews she is still worse than hitler because she has the FUCKSMUG face.

I bet her fiancee hired that guy to rob and kill him just to get away from that thing.

She is anthropomorphic entropy. Her soul is the abyss.... shes the type of bad guy whos so bad that good and evil unite to defeat her.

You remember the evil anti-lifeforce in "the 5th element"? Thats her

they are going to pepper the show with wrestling until we all get ringworm inside our ears