Weekly SJW comedian:

0  2016-10-11 by TangerineReam


This sub already knows this gal all too well, but here's some great knee-slappers you may not have heard yet because men are TERRIBLE, right team?!:

-Here's a bit about her doing comedy in an elevator, to two guys who look like Bob Kelly and Steve Wilkos after a dinner date. Going DOWN, right gang? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8rIfOkdxVM&ab_channel=LaughItUp!

-Here's an interview she did about her decision to become a stand-up comedian because she was always "the caller-outer in the room". YYYUUUCK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5BkIr8rcdc&ab_channel=TylerMeznarich

-Here's a video of a roast battle Luis J. Gomez holds at The Stand. She literally gets shut down by an ironically-placed rape joke, after Nick Mullen calls her "a proud feminist". He hilariously covers the rape joke up after saying it, and as she's ready to lay into him indignantly, Gomez screams: "LAST JOKE". She, deflated, has to go to a 1950's zinger she was hoping to ironically drop in her routine, only to be completely burned by Mullen's BETTER ironic joke. Mullen is a good egg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkyAIez4hnc&ab_channel=TheStandNYC#t=03m26s

We've gone over her before, but it's certainly worth another visit, considering she's a ringleader over at that SJW comedian fb group that hates this /r/, and that are now allegedly talking about it openly outside of their group (some are mentioning it in their material). Putting them on blast is certainly ruffling their feathers a bit.


She also proudly boasts about being a teenage sex worker, and how empowering it was.

Which video was that? I've heard about that, but couldn't find it. Would've put it in.

I'll look for it. She definitely brought it up on Race Wars and on the Keren Margolis (Kurt Metzger's victim) podcast "Crass to Mouth", which Bailey used to co-host.

Shes talked about it on a bunch of podcasts.

Could probably just search "Kaytlin bailey sex worker" and find something

Can we do her little friend Alison Klemp next? She's even worse.

That's coming. I wanna feature male SJW comics, next. I don't want this feature to appear too one dimensional, and there's a buttload of them apparently.

We've gone over her before, but it's certainly worth another visit, considering she's a ringleader over at that SJW comedian fb group that hates this /r/, and that are now allegedly talking about it openly outside of their group (some are mentioning it in their material). Putting them on blast is certainly ruffling their feathers a bit.

It's not "ruffling their feathers", it's giving them exactly what they want. Oppressive internet trolls attacking them because they're bravely trying to bring a feminist voice into the world of stand-up comedy.

Now Kaityln can post to social media about how losers who live in their parents basement are targeting her for no reason, and reap the likes and "you poor soul, stay strong!" type of comments. Her entire persecution complex has been legitimized, like the last SJW comedian of the week who cried to r/standup and got them to tell her how wonderful she is.

I get where these threads are coming from, but the end result hurts us ("The r/opieandanthony sub is targeting innocent women shut them down!") and helps them by giving them more ammunition to bring to the next oppression Olympics. Ignore them unless they do something that puts them in the public eye.

You have a point about the risks that could emerge from these bashings. But as far as what she might say on social media in response, who gives a shit how we're portrayed, or how many people come to her defense with fake compliments? Let these "comics" enjoy the only fame they're ever gonna get. The point is, we struck a nerve. That, to me, is extremely amusing. And if they don't wanna give attention to it so it looks like it didn't bother them, all the better for us to continue these threads in peace.

It is when you give these people exactly what they want. SJWs love to hunt through someone's twitter history, or write rambling facebook posts when an autistic guy tries to get a high-five on a bus. There's a reason why people call it the Oppression Olympics - it's all about me being better than you because I've faced more hurdles and obstacles.

Imagine if a famous comedian - let's say Bill Burr - jumps off stage and punches a douchey heckler right in the fucking nose. In the moment of the punch, Burr might feel fucking great, but afterwards the heckler is on MSNBC spinning a sob story about how they just wanted to enjoy a comedy show. Then the heckler finds some eager lawyer to sue Burr for emotional trauma and blah blah blah, we have the video of you punching the defendant right here!

As good as it felt for Burr in the moment to just lay a right jab in this prick's face, the prick wins in the long-term. Which is exactly what's happening in these threads: if the SJW comedian of the week gets wind that a random bunch of predominantly white males are attacking her because she's an SJW comedian, she wins in the long-term.

You sacrifice so much for this sub... like those CIA agents who get left behind and get tortured, make it back home only to get a check for 5000 bucks and a handshake from the assistant secretary of defence in a tiny ceremony on a tuesday

Can we do her little friend Alison Klemp next? She's even worse.

It is when you give these people exactly what they want. SJWs love to hunt through someone's twitter history, or write rambling facebook posts when an autistic guy tries to get a high-five on a bus. There's a reason why people call it the Oppression Olympics - it's all about me being better than you because I've faced more hurdles and obstacles.

Imagine if a famous comedian - let's say Bill Burr - jumps off stage and punches a douchey heckler right in the fucking nose. In the moment of the punch, Burr might feel fucking great, but afterwards the heckler is on MSNBC spinning a sob story about how they just wanted to enjoy a comedy show. Then the heckler finds some eager lawyer to sue Burr for emotional trauma and blah blah blah, we have the video of you punching the defendant right here!

As good as it felt for Burr in the moment to just lay a right jab in this prick's face, the prick wins in the long-term. Which is exactly what's happening in these threads: if the SJW comedian of the week gets wind that a random bunch of predominantly white males are attacking her because she's an SJW comedian, she wins in the long-term.