Supposedly, a lot of you are heroin users

0  2016-10-11 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD

...or at least I've read something to that effect here.

Can one of you dope fiends explain to me why I should feel bad for a recreational drug user in the throes of addiction? I don't get it. Even someone with a low average IQ knows that drug use rarely ends well, so why is there this onus upon me to feel bad for people who purposefully made an informed decision to harm themselves and want to treat them medically?


It's called compassion faggot. Try and be a decent human being

I reserve compassion for people with real diseases and problems that they don't directly cause themselves.

Fair enough sir.

Not a heroin user myself but where are all these addicts demanding that you feel bad for them? Most drug users are too busy taking drugs or finding money to buy more drugs to worry about whether or not anonymous internet strangers pity them.

Most addicts I know aren't looking for pity, we actually were hoping no one noticed how dysfunctional we are and go out of our way to lie about how bad it is. If they have noticed, please don't mention it "Oh shit, thanksgiving is coming up, hope no one mentions my drinking". Obviously there are some drama queens out there who are attention starved and their whole life is a "Cry for help". Addicts in recovery can be equally as obnoxious

Addicts in recovery need to project their repetitive mantras to stop their cravings. They are more admirable, but yes they're annoying.

Most/many drug users are struggling everyday to not use drugs

They should have never started. The drug education in this country is tremendous. Most kids know by 9 or 10 years-old what a drug addict is and why they shouldn't use drugs, yet many start using later on.

The Liberal eatablishment demands that we coddle them like blissfully ignorant babies when in fact their drug use is often another symptom of their sociopathy. In their opinion, all of the parents and teachers are entirely wrong about the consequences of recreational drug use and that won't happen to them because they're better and smarter (amd cooler!) than the preceding generation of addicts.

Why are you feeling bad? The dude with the needle in his arms is on top of the fucking world. You should be happy for him :)

Why would you feel bad* is what I meant to say.

I shoot it strait into the biggest vein on my cock tbh.

I don't anyone can explain to you why you're a sociopath

I'm a sociopath for embracing logic and loving myself too much for self-harm? You sound like a Liberal or a Catholic. Both are massive groups of delusional faggots and degenerates.

Good thread


Eat a dick square

I am not a user but I don't feel like anyone is trying to make me feel bad about drug addicts. You are hallucinating, pekah.

Idk just look it up? Here's what I found

"The 10-month study of suburban students, parents and heroin users concluded that most people have little knowledge about heroin when they first use it, and one-third of those surveyed starting using it after being addicted to or misusing prescription pain pills such as OxyContin or Vicodin. The study also found that more than 75 percent of respondents had a concurrent mental health condition, such as depression, ADHD or bipolar disorder, and used heroin to self-medicate. Two-thirds of those surveyed displayed "sensation-seeking behaviors," which researchers translated to mean they got a thrill out of driving to the West Side of Chicago to buy heroin without getting caught. The study also found that the suburban heroin user is white, and the average age of first use is 18."


A bunch of Academian bullshit. People with leather elbow patches sitting around and labeling people to propagate their own profession. 100 years ago, these people were drilling holes in people's heads to free demons and shit. They're shills for the pharmaceutical industry. Just 30 or 40 years ago, they found that faggots were also a small segment of the population, so they had them down as a mental health issue, but the faggots decided to band together and fight against them and now they're not considered a mental disorder anymore. If enough drug addicts banded together, they could undoubtedly do the same, but I guess drug cravings are more pressing than cock cravings. What a lot of people who quote psychiatry fail to realize is, you can have a pre-existing disposition towards addiction, but so what? Ultimately you chose to fuck with the dope or the coke. Psychiatry is another tool of the Liberal Nanny State that absolves the individual of personal responsibility and pushes is towards Collectivism.

Ohhh kay, terrific.

Good thread