It's reprehensible they have someone like this on the show

26  2016-10-11 by JesusHDice


look at that grotesque golem lurking in the background.

A Squatch!


You talkin bout that dickless titty monster staring down an empty box of donuts in the background?

Yeah he stinks, and I don't like him.

Roland is beginning to look like Dr Robotnik.

Nigga's shaped like Bullet Bill from Mario.

Or Ram Man from He Man. (80s kids alert)

God damn I forgot all about him. Was he supposed to be a midget? I don't think they ever specified.

No, just a short guy. Ram Man ruled, he came with that little axe? Ram Man will fuck you up.


80s kids alert

Suuuure I got the app for that it woiks great, eh-heh

THAT'S Roland? Is he in his fourties? He always sounded so much younger and non-homeless looking.

or as Patrice said "Old Kung Fu Panda Body"


How on earth would i explain that THING to my children... and their new step-mother Ms. Mia Isabella

And why you're walking so funny every morning, and why it takes you 4.5 minutes to sit down in your chair for breakfast.

Tsss yeah he got fucked in the butt by that chicks fuckin' PECKAH.


My child learned the difference between a "top" and a "bottom" on the radio! Why can't he learn this at college like I did?! I don't wanna have to talk to my fawkin ugly child about anything! sniff


The only thing reprehensible about the interview was Jim and Sam not getting the tranny to admit that he/she had sexual relations with Kaepernick. That would have been a major publicity coup for the show.

Who's the walking salmon croquette?

All I see is fat Roland.

that's the bit!

Can someone find the audio (not from O&J) where he admits to eating Mia Isabella's ass before.

Man Jims taste in trannies fuckin' blows. No pun intended. 4realtho.

He and Ant both have horrible taste.

Sue's a cutie.

Mouthful of cock, baby carrots in the butt dvv dvv dvv dvv


It was a boring interview, that's all I have against her.


Love Mia.

But she shouldn't be on the radio. Dullsville.

I'm pretty sure this entire interview was a question for question repeat of the interview they gave last time she was on.

Sam Roberts doing mornings. This is the lowest point this channel has hit. Im stunned they would actually put him there. I used to listen to this channel exclusively, now i can't bear to stay on it for more than a couple minutes. I'm rediscovering the music channels which is good i guess.

Bad news, they cancelled yacht rock, maaaaaan.



And why you're walking so funny every morning, and why it takes you 4.5 minutes to sit down in your chair for breakfast.
