Fuck you Mark.

93  2016-10-11 by CharlieWaflesBR




Husband, Intellectual, Abstract Thinker, Writer, Author, Loyal pest, Geek, Gamer, Heromaker, Visionary, Voice actor. Host of the Who's With Me Podcast

This guy is a super-troll, or is super-retarded. Its one or the other.

He misspelled nigger


No, it's there.

Host of the Who's With Me Podcast

I think it's time to start Jocktober.


Oh wowsers. He did 3 episodes and hasnt tweeted since may. If someone can track down the episodes I would enjoy the opportunity to listen to the broadcasting skills of a die-hard Opie fan.

I can guarantee he's still better than Opie.

Found nothing on wayback machine.

wtf is a heromaker

Basically, a 'heromaker' is someone who eats a massive hero sandwich, then shits it out in one solid piece which he then re-eats. It's a sexual thing.

I always heard that referred to as Teffting.

I think he means it in the way Trayvon Martin was a heromaker for Zimmerman.

Intellectual/Black. Choose one.

These niggas come from another dimension

"Either you take a punch in the face, or you swallow a grenade. Those are your choices folks. #Election2016"

"Used the bathoom at work. There's a guy in a stall playin Take it easy by the Eagles. Not sure if it's for entertainment or encouragement."

Here's some of the insightful and amusing commentary you can expect from this fascinating individual.

To be fair, that's not too bad compared to Rhodes Scholar and cement bag lunch enthusiast Gregg Hughes.

Hes saying what we are all thinking

Those are your choices folks.

"There's your president Bill." Sounds like someone we know...

I've never met anot intelligent human that described themselves an "intellectual."

I've never met anot.

Fuck my phone.

I want to have a sit down interview with Mark's mind.

You can sit in an empty KFC in a bad neighborhood any time you want.

Cant figure out if this dude is a Trick Ass Mark or a Mark Ass Trick.....either way he's 100% a faggot.

Oh hi Mark.

I did not hit you Lisa! You are lying!

I`d love to smear that vos hat off with coal shovel

Yep...his first tweet is calling something his "spirit animal" and his second is a "cache rules everything around me" word play joke.

Typical faggot.

I actually agree with Mark because I am a total faggot and love sucking dick and never laughing.

Definitely gives off a Vester Flanagan vibe

Maybe he will regale his listeners with tales of his gay prostituting and then roll up on Opie amd shoot him before his feet touch down on a homeless guy's cake.

Says sir Tips hat

Fellas we got a autistic black person on our hands, we have to do math to see just how much his life matters.

I'd love to see his hat removed


I love him on that show "Born This Way". Cant wait for his album to drop.

How the fuck has this show gone completely untouched?

Its the greatest show ever. I hate the Sean one, cant wait until his inevitable early death

why does every Oqie fan type EXACTLY like Oqie?

  1. Opie must've paid him to consider tweeting that.

  2. Lynsi must've fucked him to convince him to tweet that.

Oh, I am a fan of this.

These people need to be fucking destroyed. Weirdos.

Love his bio "Husband, Intellectual, Abstract Thinker, Writer, Author, Loyal pest, Geek, Gamer, Heromaker, Visionary, Voice actor. Host of the Who's With Me Podcast"

self described "intellectual" + wearing a fedora. yikes https://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings/

He went all in on neckbeard. Damn.


Funny it bothers you so much that he's right...


I can guarantee he's still better than Opie.

Found nothing on wayback machine.