Stop with the teft shit. It's not funny.

0  2016-10-10 by Tell_Em_Fred

That's all.


Don't like it? Teft shit.

teft us how u really feel!!!!!

Ok That made me laugh but only because it was in the context of this sub.

so it amused you in a contefftual basis?

This motherfuckers teft game is on point

Tefting reminds me of a Sherrod Small bit.

it reminds me of the severe autism that plagues this community.


What's with all this anger coming out of teft field?

I can't think of one. I feel Tefft out.

Shut the tefft up.

Teft's enough now?

you're right, the teft shit is incredibly dumb. Tefft shit, however, is fresh, fun, and is never gonna tefft old.

You have a tefft palate


I don't give a teft.

I have a large teft of wiry pubic hair on my taint

Wow somebody is tefftsy today

You're just feeling tefft out of the loop.

Teft em fred



No more rhymes now, I mean it.

"Noooot fuuuny!" ~Some tefticle

Its tried and tefted, sir.

Tefft off!

I hope Jim brings back Bill Tefftley.


Someone's mad he missed the teffty pull.


This made my night. Much more funny than Jim & Sam.

Your mom should of had you tefted instead of birthing you

I'd give my tefft nut to make it stop.

You tell em Fred

Fawk yeah!