Bobby is disgusting and his tongue is almost as fat as Sherods

2  2016-10-10 by barlowqt


Holy Fuck!!

It won't be long until Jim and Sam come on the air and announce in somber tones that Bobby Kelly had a massive heart attack and died. Then they will do a show with Vos, Burr, Colin and a few others reminiscing about Bobby. Anthony will probably do one as well with Jimmy and a few others.

Opie will have on Sherrod, Vic and a bunch of comics who were not part of the O&A crowd with Bobby and the rest.

ME: Where we at with the Bawby dying? Man it was broooottal when I heard it. It really hit me hard. I almost cried a little bit. Now let's go to the phones. SNOWWWAAAAYYYYYY.

Ant: Ya kiddin', how did it happen?? Ahhh, heh-heh, fuck. Fuck man, it's just shitty. Loved Bobby. Such a funny fucker, man. What a pisser. Ahh, what's going on with my hair here? touches afro

What's actually pretty funny is when you see a full body picture of Bobby you realize how short he is.

He looks like John Leguizamo in Spawn.

Bawby is Grossberger from movie Stir Crazy

He looks like an egg with skin

Now that's just mean

You are aptly named sir

Bob from Moonachie.

He's just big boned you know... And he recently hurt his knee, once it heals he will start exercising again and lose those little love handles.


Dassabesso getting diabetes and fuckin

Looks like Sherrod with his mouth closed.

He's wearing a black shirt so you don't notice he's sweating under his tits.

Looking good Bobby!

Is it possible that he weights over 350lb?


Looks like a fuckin' weight loss ad, "before", and "way before".

Tss tell us how you really feel

Bobby is Sherrod, except he is white,and has a smaller dick, way smaller. Bobo laughed at it.