The Sam & Jim Show listening thread (Oct 10, 2016)

38  2016-10-10 by Wolosocu



Does jim understand that 99.99999% of people in the world don't want to hear a tranny being interviewed

i hate it when they talk in pornos too. it ruins it

When that whole sue lightning drama was going down I watched an interview with her. She basically sounded like a male college student. Super weird to observe the juxtaposition.

You sound confused

Trannies and UFC people. Ugh.

"Oh, how funny...Jim is gonna let the strong man put him in a headlock. Great radio!"

IMO, they need to mostly stay away from indulging... But I'm guessing we are in for a lot more shitty guests. Last week, Bella Twins? Sam, what the fuck. Do us a favor, Sam, and listen to that shit ass interview objectively when you get a moment and understand that while your cringing hearing those vapid cunts talk about nothing and everything, it's 10 xs worse for all the people who don't give three fucks about WWE wrestling

Some of the UFC guests have good senses of humor and can just bullshit, 50 percent at least I'd say. The problem often is the basic questions or statements by the HOSTS for half the interview... "do opponents get in your head or make you scared?" "I can't imagine getting hit in the face for a living, you guys are tough. I suck I'm a spineless worm" etc etc. I bet if they bullshitted about the news like with comedians it would be ten times better.

LOL are we really turning on Jim one week into his show?

You expected different?



No one wants to listen to this self-centered "no one messes with me, my life is so crazy, guess how I'm so unique and here's why you want to hear it" garbage for 45 minutes. This is awful.

This is fucking garbage. Opie's got horrible taste, but at least he knew tranny/porn star interviews were cancer.

Every day: bad guest day on the J&S show..

A tranny porn star. This should be groundbreaking

From what others here say she looked much better before she married Jay Mohr.

Oh shit burn. Like they have faces that were once treated at the burn ward.

Any pictures of her without the mask on?

Yeah im familiar with it's work. Not good.


Plus this tranny can't keep a secret. At least Sue was vague about her 'friendship' with Anthony.

You might have to send her a tweet or two to say hello.

Ant's ex?

I disagree.

Sam is right, Walking Dead is boring.

Tfft maybe he should try walking a dog or sumpthin?


I've tapped out because of the shmaltz lately. I've preferred Fear the Walking Dead nowadays.

But I've heard Jeffrey Dean Morgan killed it as Negan during season 6. That true?

based on his response, what makes you think he actively watches the show?

What was that again? your phone crapped out.

Goddamn this Mia Isabella interview just goes on and on. This show is much better when Jim and Sam are just throwing the ball around

I agree. The guests only work when they are comedians and can jump into the vibe, usually it just goes from Jim and Sam riffing off each other to a boring interview

Yes!!! I've been saying this for years

No you haven't. That was me, I told you that last fucking Wednesday. Dick.

no its not, they just babble goofy jim quips. those 2 are going to be monotonous.

better than stupid interviews. MMA fighters are audible ambien.

Yes. This.

Sam says something. Jim answers with a "cute" mispronounced word. Sam says "that's not a word" or "that's not how you say that word". Jim repeats it. Sam laughs.

Yeah, this is great.

Okay gregg

I wear panties and have a dick. Snooooooooooooze....

Are we all supposed to be admitting this now?

It's "National admit Jim wears panties day", also it's "Columbus found The Bahamas and thought it was India so we pretend he found America Day"

Travis mom jokes make me laugh all the fucking time. Even more so when it becomes Travis daughters grandmother jokes



No, know your tefftistoy. His mom left him for a Jewish lawyer when Travis was 21. She cut off any connection with her children. Oh and she was Christian before so the big gag is how the Jew probably has a big cock

Lol. This backlash happened way sooner than I'd have thought.

Yimmy is trying to prove Opie wrong only to prove him right.

give it a month and they will only be left with the few late night fans of sam.

I like them both, still, you can see the cracks in the structure that will deepen and get worse. Jim's heart isn't in it. Sam's confidence in his ability to keep the show actively engaging is going to hit the brick wall of reality. In the same way, you could tell during the short Opie and Anthony conversation that they had a CHEMISTRY that lights up on full wattage even after being out of service for 2 years. They complimented each other, played off each other, worked with each other, and knew how to keep things rolling. Jim and Sam have been around each other for many years, yet they don't have that ... and like the hope that O&J will eventually find their 'CHEMISTRY', I'm afraid it's not going to happen. Sad because I like these dudes, but the real entertainment will not turn out to be their daily show so much as a kind of bloodsport rubbernecking while we watch them fight amongst themselves to further their own careers

This STUNK! A nasal fucking freakshow human piece of garbage talking about her fucking whore life for an hour.

This ship is sinking fast.

This Mia thing is insufferable. I want to eat a gun.

Her gun? Sorry for the shitty joke it was just sitting there easy.

It didn't take long for people here to start hating the new show.

Not hate the show in general, but guests like this are shit. Nothing interesting or funny is being said.

Hate to admit, but Opie was right about this kind of guest.

Haven't been a fan of nearly all their interviews so far. A few were OK but, fuck, some of these interviews... I turned off the show during the Bella Twins last week.

It's selfish for a radio host to use his own show for just his personal interests, at the expense of entertainment for his audience.

Jimmy does good radio when he riffs with the crew - Stern back in the day was the same way - but he chooses awful, vapid guests. And he can't say it's not a personal choice with these interviews, as every one has been either a porn star, a UFC fighter, or a wrestler.

The like was only due to there being no Opie once that novelty wears off there is only reality

You can like a show yet not like an episode.

Not even a week in and you guys hate the show. Classic.

Is that somehow inconsistent with everyone on the sub saying "it better not be pornstars and ufc all the time" for the past month? If anyone hates the show's guests so far it isn't because those wacky pests are looking for something to hate just for the fun of it.

Everybody? Nope, maybe 10 users not including you. The rest cheered Jimmy taking over, not realizing what would happen.

Link us to when you posted "it better not be pornstars and ufc all the time"

btw, the hate on Jimmy started a lot sooner than I thought lol


I remember last time Mia Isabella was on, and had no idea who "Tiga" was and it was a boring interview. How ever many months later, she's still telling the same story, and I still don't give a shit.

What's the hullabaloo?


hullabaloo's on first

I miss soundboard Jim.


The show is good before these guests come in. I get that these were pre-booked but I hope they steer away from that in the future

No way a tranny pornstar is a prebooking holdover from Opie. This is what happens when Jim gets his say in booking

so constant goofy banter and a car crash sound is your thing?


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This is exactly why I'm disappointed with this new set up. Jim and Sam work fine together. But the choice of guests so far has been lamentable. Only Ant's call so far has been at least mildly entertaining. I fear Jim will use this platform simply to indulge his own needs regardless of how entertaining it is.

Say what you want about Opie - his show so far has been far more entertaining than Jim & Sam's. Guests have been great and I dare to admit I've laughed a lot.

Add to that, Sam's also beginning to irritate me again.

If the past two years taught him anything it's that he can do boring ass radio at SiriusXM whenever he feels like it and nobody in management will give a shit

This show fucking stinks.

Bring back Opie and Anthony.

Sam's Travis ending up like Steve C jibe. God bless that evil cunt.

That was a nice brutal joke. Reminds me of the old days.

There have been several shit "Teft" jokes and Jimmy has repeatedly pretended he thought Sam's question was addressed to him. I'm not listening, but I know these to be true.

Oh god, still? This was last week too. Looks like Jimmy needs greggshells to stay in check

Happy Teftlumbus Day!!

What kind of fucking idiot doesn't know the difference between impotent and sterile? Sam, that's who.

Because he is the former he has no reason to know if he is the latter.

We all believe you can still get your dick up Tsjernobyl-seed, relax.

wait...its only two hours?

Between Jim, Sam and Travis there's radio gold to be had.

Beautiful. The first clip is a part of a Jim's Laughter compilation.

I just heard it for the first time yesterday actually and i havent had tears in my eyes from an old O&A bit in a while.

I wonder if they'll talk about topical hot button topics like the presidential debates

Sam "I mean just what is going on,

Jim "brbeissi iI I but uh- brirhs iI I I I actually liked trump though, a lot of people you know are saying he lost the debate but"


What is in a sausage or a chain for 500 please Alex

This isn't terrible, that's the best I can say

It's tefftible

So, what's Opies show?


Videos in this thread:

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Opie & Anthony: Travis's Mom 4 -
(1) Opie & Anthony: Child Rape at Sam's Wedding (2) Opie & Anthony - Travis' mom marries a jewish man 3 - Between Jim, Sam and Travis there's radio gold to be had.
Jim Norton & Sam Roberts - Presidential Debate, MiaIsa Bella (10/10/2016) 2 - Full Show:

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Here comes Jim's to slow march back to voting for Hillary

I've heard political talk on Norton & Friends recently. The gang didn't sound like they were kissing ass to either party. During the talk on the previous debate, Jim was able to point out faults with Trump and Hillary.

I like trannys but not listening to them.

All they have to do is stop having guests or get better guests, and all will be forgiven. It's such an easy fix, I don't know why they're doubling down on the one thing everyone said was going to suck.

How old was Jim when he fucked Trannies and does he still do it or no?

He never did, it's shtick that lost it's funny awhile back.

are you sure? and didn't he suck off one of his friends...sorry I' fairly new and heard one of old shows where he sucked off his friend under the deck or something? tss

Yeah, the whole monster rain thing when he was a little kid. I just get the feeling he invented the whole "I'm into chicks with dicks" for the sake of (predictable) comedy. All of his real sex stories seem to involve female hookers or ex-girlfriends.

Sorry guys but the Jim and Sam show just isn't that good. For all the chemistry we keep hearing about, Sam is still as irritating as ever. I don't know why but I just can't listen to the guy on the radio. Guests have been really poor and even Sam and Jims banter has been pretty lame. Sam isn't capable of delivering anywhere near the same hilarity Ant did. He's not capable of making Jim really laugh at all even. There's way too much reliance on this teft thing. As always Sam's desperately trying to make everything a 'thing'. Enough already. But again, more than anything else it's the guests. The choice in guests has been fucking awful. And for those saying these are leftover guests, do you really think Jim and Sam won't be booking UFC fighters, porn stars and trannies regularly?

Just my thoughts. Really don't like this new show.

do you really think Jim and Sam won't be booking UFC fighters, porn stars and trannies regularly?

Not unless they want to fail horribly.

This stinks.

Too soon!

This is good.

Sam was terrible this morning:

  • childish whining about having to commute and rub shoulders with the office plebs. Don't worry Sam, you're better than them!
  • completely uninformed debate talk. Seriously why do they even bother? Just talk about anything else
  • and this was the point i had to tap out, saying that all men talk about wanting to sexually assault women in private. The whole pussy grabbing talk was just cringe inducing


Edit: holy fuck I went back in and Sam just said Trump won the debate.

He did win the debate

they could cart him out in an ambulance and he still would have won the debate, to you.

Sure. Although he's not the one who needs a hospital gurney.

You didn't wanna hang around for the tranny interview?

You really think smirking Hillary won that debate?

First off trump did win. It's pretty clear he scored the better points. But anyway, I agree with your Sam thoughts. I'd go further. I just don't think he's got it on air. He's whiny, irritating and really not that funny outside his sarcastic 'I have a take on this' shit. Ant used to make Jim laugh uncontrollably. Sam doesn't actually offer any funny. He just seems to be the 'take a humorous sideways look at current events' kind of guy. I can't believe I'm saying this but I've enjoyed opie show a lot more so far...

Trump slammed her pretty hard. I give her the edge by far for the first debate but he won this one

It's tefftible

No way a tranny pornstar is a prebooking holdover from Opie. This is what happens when Jim gets his say in booking

so constant goofy banter and a car crash sound is your thing?

are you sure? and didn't he suck off one of his friends...sorry I' fairly new and heard one of old shows where he sucked off his friend under the deck or something? tss