Ant is in denial about going bald again

19  2016-10-10 by Dennyislife


Every single person in this thread was downvoted to 0 before I got here. I wonder who could've done that? Anthony is in denial about a lot of things, it seems, including that he visits this subreddit an awful lot.

Ant's a thin skinned bitch.

... hillary clinton?

nice try opie

For someone who has a head like an asteroid this guy sure does get touchy about his hair.

at least his bobblehead figure thing got a full head of dark manly hair

they're not plugs they're individually placed follicles spread in an artistic pattern to match the way your hair actually grows

why couldn't he just admit he had plugs? whats the big deal fucking vain old queer

Oh.. it seems i just got blocked by Anthony for implying he likes under aged girls with dicks.. Truth hurts the most i guess. oh well.. Wont be missing much, not worth making another account.

he must be so jealous of Stern's wig. Ol staple head cumia

Only old asian dudes and faggots color their hair and Ant isn't an old asian dude.


I read the article the other day about baseball/football announcer Joe Buck, and his addiction to hair-plugs. Reminded me of our dear friend

Hopefully anthony's voice goes too.

Has anyone else ever heard of John Sahag? Anthony regurgitates his name as if it were a household name, but its not. Nobody knows who the fuck your talking about Anthony!

Had to look up who that is. I have no idea why he's repeatedly making the reference or who he thinks will recognize it.

I'm sure he counts his hairs every day like a Jew does his pennies.

What happened to the Tweet Bot? That was good to have around as backup for when these faggots would delete their tweets.


Why cant you cunts learn to use!

Any man that refers to the person that does their by their name or the name of the salon is a homo.

Just start wearing baseball hats again, thats where his funny came from anyway (the visor part specifically).

Being recognized by this sub, even in this very minor way, makes me very uncomfortable.

Anthony Cumia doesn't live in a reality where his hair isn't real, his career hasn't devolved into a flailing webshow that only fringe lunatics pay for and he hasn't fucked a boy.

The hair on that bobblehead is way too generous to begin with.

he's been talking about finally going to get his perm done 10 years now. just fucking go, faggot.


If his hair is thinning, isn't that a major concern? Hair transplants aren't supposed to thin/fall out.

no. they are actually grey roots.