Just found out that Keith (not a cop but also a cuck) and the Girl (who is now dating a tranny) called Pat Dixon (who made Ben Ratner quit his job) a "Sexual Predator"

0  2016-10-09 by Violet_Undertone


There's just too many fucking podcasts

Add more punctuation to your title, faggot.

Just tried to make it interesting, cuck.

I think they ended up on an episode of LoS trying to talk about it and got called out on their dumb shit.

There's no way I'll listen to a 2 yr old episode of these two blab for an hour.

I'm a few minutes in but did they just talk shit on Normand too? What happened between them?

No, but I hope they accuse mark normand of being a sexual predator without any evidence next.

Yep. And Pat came on around the same time and cleared it all up. I think the ep was Real Zen Ass Dude.

Good luck finding that shit behind the paywall, potential fans!
