Never forget how Opie and Jim ends Uncle Paul made Opie leave and never return to mornings

16  2016-10-09 by Dennyislife


The obvious attempt by Sherrod and Jewdy to keep talking faster and faster and not acknowledge Uncle Paul in any way was cringe inducing.

A full stop wouldn't have gone astray in the title. It took me a minute to decipher. Period.

ME: It's my allergies

Full stop? In AMERICA we call it a period. Fuck you

Hes using a typewriter, let him be.

Hey retard, you ever heard of punctuation?


Opie's disgusted groan kills me every time.

This clip alone should be played every morning to remind everyone that Opie and his leaches deserve worse than afternoons

Man, Opie's sexualization of his infant daughter is legitimately creepy. It's like he has no paternal connectivity with her and sees her as another grown woman. Genuinely concerning stuff, folks.

Opie is incapable of having feelings toward another human being.

However, we can take some solace in the fact that it is very unlikely Opie experiences much sexual desire at all. He seems not aroused but rather trying to autistically fit in and failing.

I listened to this at first without knowing that it was the end of a (shitty) era. The best way to go out without saying Your Mom's Box.

Didn't they have one more show together with Sherrod and Dan Soder?

I think that was an Opie-only show. So unwatchable drek.