Andy Kindler set on Big Jay's web show where various comedians each do 5 minutes of crowdwork. A cornucopia of horrendous, nauseating, and enraging

13  2016-10-08 by [deleted]



Remember civilians, the professionals have assured us that this man is definitely not a hack.

a real comedian's comedian. he's on another level

Yep that's Joe DeRosa's mentor these days. Joe says he is the funniest person alive. I hope they find both of them dead together one day.

Inside of one another.

Bill - Aww jesus Joe.

They died doing what they loved 69ing each other so hard.

They were forced into 69'ing as there rectums had lost their structural integrity.

Andy Kindler is the comedian version of Opie. "THAT'S THE BITTTTT"

Does andy kindler have dirt on every comedian? they should trash him like they do mencia or dat phan

There's some great comedians (not Big Jay) that legitimately seem to think he's funny and i just don't get it.


(((Andy Kindler)))

Hes an artist's artist. Which means artists ljke him but normies dont.

Its about as useful as being an architect's architect. All of the architects love him because he turns conventions of their trade on its head... although noone would live in his buildings because its an upside down house thats ugly as fuck

Upside down house? I'd give it a live.

Excellent analogy.

Always love when Ant shit on this shithead

This guy is like the jew version of Joey Diaz. He just gets on stage and yells nonsense that doesn't bear any semblance to actual jokes, and other comedians constantly talk about how funny he is.

joey diaz's standup stinks and so does norton's. but they're funny as fuck and would be useless outside the comedy world.

kindler is just an unfunny kike.


Have you ever seen him on ANY podcasts? His "stand up" may not be the best but hes hands down the funniest guy I've listened to in the past decade.


Yeah I agree. Kindler podcasts all day! Like they mentioned above, Diaz, Norton and Kindler's stand up is mediocre, but put them on a podcast/radio and they're fucking great.

examples of kindler podcasts? genuinely curious, haven't heard much

I couldn't point you towards a particular one but I'd check out any of his appearances on Fitzdog, The Todd Glass Show or a podcast called "Am I Right?" off the top of my head.

Oh no,

I was talking about joey diaz, kindler is an unfunny jew.

Incorrect, but that's fine.

I watched the ep with Judy Gold and Aaron Berg with my girl. She goes "...they get PAID to do comedy?"

I've never been more in love.

his act, literally, is doing what open mic'ers do after their material bombs, except he does it intentionally. that's it.

I understand people defending the comedy of someone I don't think is funny. I don't like her but I understand why Janeane Garafolo has fans. I get why someone would've loved Jay Leno's Tonight Show.

But him, what the fuck do people like? Who is keeping this man employed? he's unbearable and not even remotely clever. stand-up comedy is not, in itself, a subject which is so hilarious to satirize. it's just fucking boring and lazy and gives him the right in the minds of other comedians to be a complete cunt.

It's because he's a kike in LA and isn't offending anyone.

Why didn't you just post CQ set you piece of shit. We're trying to aim for more positivity in this sub and you're letting the side down.

Sick people in the audience applauding a obvious child molester....

You watched it. You can't unwatch it!

Maybe I'm a cunt but this was the first time his "So BAD its GOOD" shtick was funny to me

I hate him but I agree, this wasn't terrible.

He's like a clean version of Chip; fucking terrible.

It's just so...unfunny.

Should have been 6 million and 1.

This video gave me AIDS

Literally can't sit through it due to second hand embarrassment for him

Dude's face on the left at 29:16.