Reminder: Opie once hailed Joe Rogan as, and I quote, "The King of Twitter." Have a healthy day gang

54  2016-10-08 by ffffantomas


Does Opie know that Rogan follows bald Opie?

In Rogan's defense he is just supporting a close friend.

Someone should let the man know.

And then after let Opie know.

ME: Threw you an assist

Don't tell me what kind of day to have.

Member when Ashton Kutcher was out promoting this newfangled thing called Twitter and had the most followers on the whole site


Ashton Kutcher

Oh that guy... Big fan, Big fan

I dont know who that is, but I'm aware of the actor Asston Kushner

Surely you mean director Irvin Kershner?


I will spend the day getting drunk and high and being upset, thanks for the tip "fam."

If you're upset you aren't drinking enough

Good point.

Same ol' song and dance huh

I see it as discipline.


Just wait until he finds out this meat head can conduct interviews better than him.

Has Rogan even communicated with Opie or the show since Ant's firing? I thought Rogan backed away because he believed Opie should have stood up for Ant against the suits.

Remember when Joe Rogan went out of his way to shut down /r/joerogan2 after saying for years you "can't stop the Internet" on his dudecast?

Joe Rogan is the king of cock

so just get TOR and make /r/joerogan3 what's the big deal? This time you'll know to do some kind of backup for when he nukes it and you have to make /r/joerogan4.

Opie luv Twitter

Thanks man, have a great day yourself.

Didn't he call Patton the master of twitter now?

Opie and Rogan have more in common than you'd think.

They're both bald?

That and they both tend to ramble in circles.

Haha true, but at least Joe makes the rambling entertaining

And provides us with Alpha BRAIN!

Currently learning Advanced Calculus thanks to Alpha Brain, GET ONNIT!

Hey, it makes his sentences better.

That and they're both paranoid as fuck. And are desperate to believe that they have everything figured out because the alternative is too frightening.

Rogan acts like he's simply 'beyond' all sentient life in terms of perception and understanding. He's great at fooling people into thinking he's intelligent. He can be interesting, but his marijuana-induced babbling puts me into a coma.



They're both bald?

Someone should let the man know.

In Rogan's defense he is just supporting a close friend.