A lovely song to reunite everyone in the O and A community.

8  2016-10-08 by alandriscoll


I love it. Really might be the saving grace of this sub. Your wordplay is impeccable and the references are spot on. Keep em coming buddy we need more guys like you. XD LOL

Wow, why don't you blow him?

I'm waiting...

Fuck you guys, I liked it. Gave me memories of the Erock Jingle Contest.

Let's hope it's just the first of many Teft songs.

This is excellent.

teft by teft

I pissed myself

You mispronounced mr maloonigans though you fucking nothing.

Not only was it a three syllable rhyme but it was also a double callback to Todd's shoehorning and the way Bobo misspelled his own dog's name on Twitter. We're operating on a higher level of genius here, people.

That was really good. Well done

This is actually pretty great, wd!

This makes you look awesome and not gay at all

Nice to see someone put a little effort Into some OC around here and have the balls to put it out there. Good job buddy go have yourself a nice cup of Bovril and some other awful Brit food.

" This video is not available "

Are you British. This doesn't work in the app

Yep, and the youtube link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCmofIosCuc

Are you British.

You fucking absolute moron. You didn't even use a question mark.

I could only make it 10 seconds before turning it off. Horrible.

Listening back, I hate the delivery of the first verse, but I think you'll agree that once we reach the multi-syllable compound rhyming that simultaneously references and parodies the shoe-horning lyrical stylings of Todd Pettengill, it's nothing short of both comic and musical genius.

Also, I apologise for the moments where I substitute samples for poor impersonations, but midway through spending Saturday night trawling Youtube for a clip of Bobo saying "He's a schnoodle", I started to question my life decisions.